Le premier volume de vincent miroir historial.

Accession number: 
PML 32387-91
Vincent, of Beauvais, -1264.
Imprime nouuelleme[n]t a Paris : pour Anthoine Vérard, [1495-1496].
[10] i-CCCxi; [12] i-xcxi [96] CxCvi-CCCliii; [12] i-l, i-CClxxx; [10] i-CClxxvi; [8] i-CCxcix leaves (with mistakes) : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 39 cm (fol.)
Credit Line: 
Purchased in 1936.

Title from half-title page, volume I, leaf A1r.
First colophon, vol. I, leaf rr10r: Cy finist le premier volume de vincent hystorial. Imprime nouuelleme[n]t a paris Lan mil CCCC quatrevingtz [et] quinze. Le .xxixe. io[ur] de depte[m]bre. Pour Anthoine verard libraire demoura[n]t sur le po[n]t nostre dame a lymage saint Jehan leuangeliste: ou au palays au premier pilier deuant la chapelle ou on chante la messe de messeigneurs les p[re]side[n]s.
Second colophon, vol. V, leaf NNNNN8r: Alhonneur et louenge de mostreseigneur iesucrist et de sa glorieuse [et] sacree mere et de la court celeste de paradis fine le xxxii. et derrenier liure de Vincent miroir historial. Imprime a Paris le vii. iour de moys de may mil quatre cens quatrevingz [et] seize par Anthoine verard libraire demourant sur le pont nostredame a lymage saint Jehan leua[n]geliste ou au palaiz deuant la chapelle ou on chante la messe de mes[seigneur]s les presidens. [Printer's mark, leaf NNNNN8v]
Printed in Vérard's types 3:118G, 4:89G, 8:430G, and 9:62G.
In five parts dated: I) 29 Sept. 1495; II-IV) [undated]; V) 7 May 1496.
Signatures, part I: A¹⁰; a-z aa-qq⁸ rr¹⁰: 332 leaves; part II: AA-BB⁶; AA-MM⁸ NN⁴; AAA-XXX⁸; AAAA-KKKK⁸ LLLL⁶: 366 leaves; part III: a-b⁶; a-o⁸; a-f⁶ g⁸; A-X⁸ AA-OO⁸: 352 leaves, leaf b6 blank; part IV: a⁶ b⁴; aaaa-mmmm⁸ nnnn⁶ oooo-rrrr [curled-r][curled-r][curled-r][curled-r] [long-s][long-s][long-s][long-s] ssss-zzzz [et][et][et][et] [us][us][us][us]⁸ AAAA-FFFF⁸ GGGG⁶ HHHH⁸: 286 leaves; part V: AAAAA⁸; aaaaa-zzzzz [et][et][et][et][et] [us][us][us][us][us] AAAAA-NNNNN⁸: 312 leaves.
Paper format: Royal folio.
Translated by Jehan du Vignay. On the translator, see B.L. Ullman, in Speculum VIII no.3 (July 1933) p.323 (Goff).
PML copy leaf dimensions: 37 x 26.5 cm.

16th/early 17th-century French blind-rolled calf over wooden boards (38.5 x 27.5 cm), sewn on 5 supports; repaired and rebacked. Modern plain paper pastedowns and endleaves; plain endbands.
Variant Title: 

Miroir historial


Hand decoration: Contemporary French illumination and rubrication, primary initials illuminated, alternating red and blue paragraph marks (and some initials), and ruling lines. Annotations: No marginal notations in text.

Francoys Barry(?), inscription (vol. I, front pastedown, preserved from previous binding); Louis Chaduc (1546-1638), inscriptions, inherited by Laville family: "[???] domini Ludovici Chaduc [???] in manibus domini sortes mea Laville" (vol. I, leaf A1r and IV, leaf a1r), including Chaduc (binding?) inscription, 1604 (vol. I, leaf A1r and IV, leaf a1r); Pellissier D[efeligonde] family (vol. I, leaf A1r and IV, leaf a1r); Pierpont Morgan Library, purchased from Georges Heilbrun, Jan. 1936.