Title from incipit (leaf a2r): Hernach volget ain Maisterliche und wolgesetzte Comedia zelesen vnd zehören lüstig vnd kurtzwylig.
Colophon (leaf p4r): Dise Comedia hat Hanns Nythart zů Ulm lassen trucken den Cůnrad Dinkmůt. Nach Crists gebůrt .M.cccc.lxxxvi. Jar.
Printed in Dinckmut's types 3:147G (text) and 2:109G (commentary).
Collation: a-b⁸ c⁶ d-e⁸ f⁶ g-h⁸ i-m⁶ n⁸ o-p⁶: 104 leaves, leaves a1 and p5-6 blank.
Paper format: Chancery folio
Translated and with a commentary by Hans Nythart (see Verfasserlexikon VI 899-903).
PML copy leaf dimensions: 28.3 x 20.2 cm
PML copy missing 1 leaf: p6 (blank).
Hand decoration: Unrubricated, rubrication unrealized. Annotations: One largely illegible German inscription (by Ruder?) (leaf a5r).