Title from incipit (leaf [1]/2r).
The printer is tentatively identified as Johann Veldener by S. Corsten, in Journal of the Printing Historical Society 11 (1976/77) pp. 1-18, but as Johann Schilling working for Caxton by Needham, Ars impressoria, pp. 117-20.
Printed in type 1:100G attributed to Johann Schilling.
GW dates as not after 1473.
Collation: [1-4¹⁰ 5⁸ 6¹⁰]: 58 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery folio
PML copy leaf dimensions: 26.7 x 19.5 cm
Former board and fly leaves preserved in folder in box.
De vita et moribus philosophorum.
Hand decoration: Unrubricated, rubrication largely unrealized: red lombards, underlining, and capital strokes stop in quire 2. Annotations: Marginal notes in several hands. 15th-century inscription beginning: Johannes Andrea docto[ris] subtilissi[us] in medica facultate... (leaf [1]/1r).