Title from incipit (leaf [1]/2r): In the yere of thyncarnacyon of our lord Ih[es]u crist M CCCC / lxxx / And in the xx yere of the Regne of kyng Edward the fourth / Atte reqnest [sic] of dyverse gentylmen I have endevoyryd me to enprynte the Cronycles of Englond as in this book shal by the suffraunce fo god folowe / ...
Imprint from colophon (leaf y6r): Thus endeth this present book of the Cronycles of Englond / Enprynted by me William Caxton In thabbey of westmestre by london / Fynysshed / and accomplysshyd the / viii / day of Octobre / The yere of the Incarnacyon of our lord God / M / CCCC/lxxxii And in the xxii yere of the regne of kyng Edward the fourth.
Printed in Caxton's type 4:95B.
Collation: [1]⁸; a-x⁸ y⁶: 182 leaves, leaves [1]/1 and a1 blank.
Paper format: Chancery folio
Devised as a page-for-page reprint of 10 June 1480 edition but with a few differences, see BMC.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 25.3 x 18.2 cm, trimmed.
PML copy missing 26 leaves: [1]/1-8, a1-7, n6, x1.8, x2.7, and y1-6. Text leaves replaced in Chiswich type facsimile, with rubrication.
Chronicles of England [English].
Hand decoration: Rubricated, red lombards and paragraph marks (multiple types but style of lombards does not appear to mirror this change). Punched design of two kissing birds (leaf m7r). Annotations: No notations in text.