An indulgence printed by Caxton for Johannes de Giglis the commissioner for Pope Sixtus IV, to be granted to contributors toward the war against the Turks.
First issue. Singular issue.
Format: undetermined, oblong vellum
Line 1, [J]Ohannes de giglis viris utriusq[ue] doctor Sanctissimi d[omi]ni nostri d[omi]ni Sixti divina ... line 23, ... Anno d[omi]ni Millesimo quadringentismo octauagesimo primo Ac pontifici sanctissimi domini nosteri d[omi]ni Sixti pape quarti anno undecimo.
PML copy lacks top-right and right edge of text. Some staining from former binding.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 15.5 x 22 cm, trimmed.
PML copy on vellum.
Printed in Caxton's type 4:95B.
Title from incipit.
Woodcut initial.
Hand decoration: Rubrication unrequired. Annotations: Indulgence unused, not filled in.