Title from half-title page, leaf A1r.
Imprint from ISTC.
Printed in Prüss's type 7:156G and 8:80G.
Signatures: A⁸ B-C⁶ D⁶(4+1: "Hec est dispositio monocordi") E-O⁶: 87 leaves, leaf O6 blank. Inserted fold-out half-leaf after leaf D4
Paper format: Chancery quarto.
2 woodcuts: leaves A1r (repeated on A6v) and A8v, and xylographic music.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 20 x 13.5 cm.
Hand decoration: Rubrication, contemporary red initials and paragraph marks (C- and [Gamma]-shaped). Annotations: Several leaves with contemporary music notation in margins, in an orange ink. Contemporary inscription on music: "Quo[niam] deb[et] cantari q[oud]lib[et] [???] plagali" (leaf O6v).