Bearer type visible at bottom of leaf [6]/8r.
Collation: [1-5⁸ 6⁸ (5+1: Ist all weg)]: 49 leaves.
Colophon (leaf [6]/8v): Das nützlich bůch von ordnung der gesuntheit hat getruckt un[d] volendet Hanns Schönsperger zů Augspurt. am sampstag vor santt Mangen tage. Nach Christi gepurt Tausent vierhundert und in einundachtzigistem jare.
Incipit on leaf [1]/3r printed in red.
ISTC/Goff misidentify format as 4to.
Paper format: Chancery folio
PML copy leaf dimensions: 26.8 x 18 cm, some deckel edges.
PML copy with part of leaf [6]/8 missing, repaired and text replaced in manuscript. Several leaves torn and repaired.
Printed in Schönsperger's type 1*:140G.
Title from incipit of Register (leaf [1]/1v): Hie hebt sich an das Register und die capitel dises nachgeschriben büchlins genennet Regimen sanitatis/ das ist von d[er] ordunung der gesundtheit.
Woodcut of a doctor and apothecary examining a standing male patient (leaf [1]/2v).
Hand decoration: No rubrication required. Annotations: Contemporary marginal notes in 2 hands, in Latin and German.