Title from caption in capitals at beginning of Iaconelli's letter to Ludovico Torti on leaf a2 recto.
Imprint from colophon, leaf L6r: Finisce la prima parte delle uite de Plutarcho : traducte per Baptista Alexandro Iaconello de Riete : & stampate in Aquila adi. xvi. de septembre .M.cccc.lxxxii. per maestro Adam de Rotuuil Alamano stampatore excellente: co[n] dispesa del magnifico signore Lodouicho Torto : & delli spectabili homini Ser Dominicho de Montorio : & de Ser Lodowicho de Camillis de Asculo ciptadino de l'Aquila. Laus deo amen.
Printed in Rottweil's type 4:86R.
Signatures: a-z A-H¹⁰ I-L⁸: 334 leaves, leaf L8 blank.
Paper format: Chancery folio.
1 column, 47 lines (20.4 x 13.3 cm.) Spaces left blank for initials, without guide letters.
Translated by Battista Alessandro Iaconelli from the Latin versions of Lapus Florentinus, Leonardus Brunus Aretinus, Donatus Acciaiolus, Franciscus Philelphus, Franciscus Barbarus, Guarinus Guarini and others, possibly using the Latin edition of Plutarchus's Opera edited by Johannes Antonius Campanus and printed by Ulrich Han in Rome about 1470 (ISTC ip00830000).
Only the first part of the translation was published. The lives printed here are those of Theseus, Romulus, Lycurgus, Numa, Themistocles, Camillus, Hannibal, Scipio, Timoleon, Aemilius Paulus, Pyrrhus, Marius, Lysander, Sulla, Eumenes, Sertorius, Cimon, Lucullus, Nicias, Crassus, Agesilaus, Pompeius, Alexander, Caesar, Phocion, and Cato.
Copies are known with and without the table of contents at the beginning and the register at the end: see ISTC, citing A. Dragonetti de Torres and A. Fabrizi, "Incunaboli aquilani", in Convegno storico Abruzzese-Molisano (25-29 marzo 1931), Atti e Memorie, 1933, pp. 281-87.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 28 x 21 cm.
PML copy missing 1 leaf: L8 (blank). Leaf a1 remargined and bound before L7.
Vite di Plutarco tradotte dal latino in volgare in Aquila al magnifico Ludovico Torto per Battista Alessandro Iaconello di Rieti
Hand decoration: Rubrication unrealized. Annotations: Later foliation and some headlines, faded. Manuscript fore-edge title.