Title from incipit (leaf [2]/1r): Caii Plini Secundi Novicomensis Oratoris facundissimi epistola[rum] Liber Primus incipit.
Colophon (leaf [14]/10v): Caii Plini Secundi Novicomensis Oratoris Facundissimi Epistola[rum] Liber Octavus Expli. .M.CCCC.Lxxi.
Printed in type 1:110R.
Collation: [1²; 2-3¹⁰ 4⁸ 5-6¹⁰ 7⁸ 8-10¹⁰ 11-12⁸ 13-14¹⁰]: 124 leaves, leaves [1]/1, [6]/8, [8]/8 blank. Variant collation in BMC et al.
Paper format: Royal quarto
Edited by Ludovicus Carbo.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 26.5 x 18.8 cm
Hand decoration: Italian illuminated white vine initial and border (leaf [2]/1r), alternating red and blue initials. Annotations: Contemporary manuscript notations in an Italian hand throughout and Greek inscriptions added in text. Italian notations relate to Florentine manuscript recensions of the Epistolae, suggesting that this copy was used by a scholar in Florence (ex-info Pedar Foss).