Title from caption at beginning of Marsilius's preface on Part I, leaf [1]/2v.
Place and name of printer from colophons on Part II, leaves d4v and ss10v.
Printed in de Alopa's types 1:85G, 3:83G, 2:90R, and 4:115R.
In two parts, printed: I) [May 1484]; II) [before April 1485], see BMC citing Ripoli Press day-book.
Signatures, Part I: [1]⁸; a¹⁰ b-c⁸ d-f⁶ g⁸ h¹⁰ i-z⁸ et⁸ co[n]⁸ ru[m]⁶: 212 leaves. Leaves [1]/8, a1 and ru[m]6 blank.
Signatures, Part II: a-c⁸ d⁴ e-i⁸ l-y⁸ ç¹⁰ [et]¹⁰ [con]⁸ [rum]⁶ ²et⁸ ²co[n]⁴ ²ru[m]⁶; aa-bb⁸ cc-hh⁶ ii⁴ ll⁶ mm-rr⁸ ss¹⁰ p[er]⁸ [2]⁶: 220 and 134 leaves, leaf ç10 blank.
Paper format: Chancery folio
Translated from Greek into Latin with commentary by Marsilius Ficinus.
Text in two columns.
Spaces left blank for initials, some with printed guide letters.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 27.5 x 20.9 cm.
PML copy with half-leaf inserted at leaf a9v with manuscript text missing between leaves a9v-10r.
PML copy with part I, quire [1] bound at end of vol. I, and Timaeus (part II, quires [et]-²ru[m]) bound in vol. I after part I, Gorgias (leaf [rum]6).
Hand decoration: Rubricated, red lombards, capital strokes and brackets sporadically completed, generally on leaves with marginal notations; part II mostly unrealized. Annotations: Contemporary notations sporadically throughout part I, minimal in part II. Many printed signatures corrected in contemporary hand.