Title from incipit to Prologue, part I (leaf a2r): Prima pars Su[m]me fr[atr]is Anthonini de Flore[n]tia: ordinis predicatorum [et] Archiep[iscop]i Florentini.
Colophon, part I (leaf E9v): Hic finish prime partis su[m]me Anthonini: ordinis predicatorum: archipresulis florentini Summa cura: [et] opera castigate atq[ue] eme[n]date. Impressioniq[ue] dedite venetiis per Leonardu[m] wild de Ratisbona. M.ccc.lxxxi.
Colophon, part II (leaf L7v): Hic finish [secund]e p[ar]t[is] su[m]me Anthonini: ordinis p[re]dicatoru[m]: archip[re]sul[is] florentini: su[m]ma cura [et] op[er]a castigate atq[ue] emendate: Impressioniq[ue] d[e]dite Venetiis per Leonardum wild de ratisbona. M.cccc.lxxxi.
Colophon, part III/2 (leaf z7r): Explicit tertia pars su[m]me beati Antonini archiep[iscop]i florentini: ac sacre pagine interpretis eximii: impressa Venetiis industria atq[ue] impensa. Leonardi wild de Ratisbona. 1480.
Colophon, part IV (leaf P9v): Actum hoc opus Venetiis emendatissimum: enucleatiusq[ue] castigatu[m]. Anno .M.cccc.lxxxi. Finis.
Printed in Wild's types 2:150G and 3:74G and Novimagio's types 1:77G and 2:150G.
Signatures, part I: a¹⁰ b-e⁸ f⁶ g-k⁸ l¹⁰ m-p⁸ q¹⁰ r-s⁸ t¹⁰ v-z [et] A-D⁸ E¹⁰: 240 leaves, leaf a1 blank; part II: 308 Bl. a-b¹⁰ c⁸ d-e¹⁰ f-h⁸ i¹⁰ k-m⁸ n¹⁰ o-z [et] [con] [rum] A-L⁸: 308 leaves, leaf a1 blank; part III/1: A-N¹⁰ O⁸ P-Q¹⁰ R⁸ S¹⁰ T⁸ V-Y¹⁰ Z⁸: 222 leaves, leaf A1 blanki; part III/2: a¹⁰ b-f⁸ g¹⁰ h-l⁸ m-y¹⁰ z⁸: 210 leaves, leaf a1 blank; part IV: a-d¹⁰ e⁸ f¹⁰ g⁸ h¹⁰ l⁸ m-n¹⁰ o⁸ p¹⁰ q⁸ r¹⁰ s-t⁸ v¹⁰ x⁸ y-z A-C¹⁰ D⁸ E¹⁰ F⁸ G-P¹⁰: 358 leaves, leaf a1 blank.
Paper format: Chancery folio
In four parts, dated: I) 1481; II) 1481; III/2) 1480; IV) 1481.
Signatures x-z and A-P of IV are in the type of Reynaldus de Novimagio. CIBN records a variant with sig. o and v2-v9 also in his type.
Blind bearer type below colophon, part III/2 (leaf z7r).
PML copy is part III only.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 30.7 x 20.2 cm.
Hand decoration: Illuminated initials (Bavarian/Austrian style) with foliate borders, some just in gold or simple red/blue; rubricated, alternating red and blue lombards and paragraph marks, red capital strokes and underlining. Annotations: No marginal notations in text. Inscriptions: "3a" (fore edge) and "Anth 3" (bottom edge).