Title from incipit (leaf [2]/1r): Hie hebt sich an das aller nüczlichest büch genant die vÿerundzwainczig guldin harpffe[n]...
Explicit (leaf [11]/8v): Cassianus schreibt in der achtzechende[n] guldin harpffen oder collacion von ainem heyligenn altuater hÿeβ piamon...und wie man darauβ ko[m]me Zum ersten von gaistlichen leüten [etc.] Joha[n]nes Bämler.
Printed in Bämler's type 1:145G.
A copy in Munich BSB has rubricator's date 1470.
Collation: [1²; 2¹² 3-10¹⁰ 11¹⁰(10+1 tu[n]n. Darnach wolt) 12-17¹⁰ 18⁸]: 173 leaves, leaves [2]/1 and [18]/8 blank. Collation in BMC and GW misidentifies location of inserted leaf (see Needham-Hellinga correspondence in dept. file).
Paper format: Chancery folio
Pinholes approximately 3.3 cm. outside the textblock, 2.5 cm. above and 4.5 cm. below, respectively.
A revision and German translation of Johannes Cassianus, Collationes patrum.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 30 x 20.7 cm.
PML copy leaves [1]/1-2 detached; leaf [1]/1 with backing paper on recto. Incipit initial (leaf [2]/2r) offset to front pastedown (leaf [2]/1v).
Die vierundzwanzig goldenen Harfen
Hand decoration: Rubricated, red, green, and pink lombards with filigree penwork decoration, red capital strokes and paragraph marks; illuminated initial with marginal foliate decoration and byzants, in Augsburg style (leaf [2]/2r). Manuscript title (leaf [2]/2r and texts numbered with roman numerals. Red rubrication perhaps by Schenck. Annotations: Some corrections to text and marginal notations throughout. Alpha-numeric manuscript quire signatures, mostly trimmed.