For the attribution of this work (also known as Jardin de dévotion) to Petrus de Alliaco, see P.-Y. Badel, Pierre d'Ailly, auteur du "Jardin amoureux" in Romania, 97 (1976) pp.369-81 (CIBN A-251).
Title from half-title page, leaf a1r.
Imprint from colophon, leaf f3v: Hier is voleyndt een seer denoet ende proffijtelijck boecxke[n] ghenoemt dat Hoefken va[n] devocyen/ Gheprent in die vermaerde coopstadt van Antwerpen by Rolandt van den Dorpe. Int iaer ons heren .M.CCCC.ende Xcvi. den xvi. dach van Aprille.
PML Checklist refers to printer as Roelant van den Dorpe.
Printed in van den Dorpe's type 1:98G.
Signatures: a-e⁶ f⁴: 34 leaves, leaf f4 (presumably) blank.
Paper format: Chancery quarto.
1 column, 30 lines. Capital spaces, with printed guide letters.
Practically a page-by-page reprint of the Leeu edition of 1487, including woodcuts.
18 woodcuts from 12 blocks. Woodcuts attributed to the so-called Haarlem Woodcutter.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 18.4 x 13 cm.
PML copy missing 1 leaf: f4 (presumably blank).
Thoofkijn van devotien
Hand decoration: Rubrication unrealized. Annotations: No marginal notations in text.