Title from leaf A1r.
Printing city and date from colophon, leaf M7v: Cy finit la table de ce present livre appelle le fascicule ou auttrement le fardelet hystorial. Imprime a genesue [sic] Lan mille CCCC.xCv. au quel an fist si tresgra[n]t vent le ix. iour de ianvier quil fist remonter le rosne dede[n]s le lac bien ung quart de lieve au dessus de genesue [sic] [et] se[n]usoit estre une mo[n]taigne deave. [et] duta bie[n] lespace dune heure que leave ne povoit descendre.
Pritned in Belot's types 1:114G and 2:92G.
On the identity of the printer (designated by GW the Printer of the 'Fardelet du temps'), see H. Delarue in Genava 3 (1925) pp.297-307.
Dated after CIBN.
Signatures: A-M⁸: 96 leaves, leaf M8 blank.
Paper format: Chancery folio.
1 column, 50-51 lines. Printed initials, woodcuts.
First part of title is xylographic.
Translated by Pierre Farget.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 27.8 x 19 cm.
PML copy missing 1 leaf: M8 (blank).
Le fardelet hystorial
Hand decoration: Rubrication not required. Annotations: No marginal notations in text.