Title and imprint from ISTC. GW records as place of printing as [Lübeck or Stockholm(?)]; recorded as a Lübeck imprint by Proctor and Oates.
Printed in Ghotan's types 3:162G, 6:160G, and 8:296G.
Printed in black and red.
Single leaves registered were issued with copies of G.E. Klemming, Sveriges äldre liturgiska literatur, Stockholm, 1879.
PML copy is 6 leaves (2 on vellum, 4 in facsmile on paper): leaf a) leaf m3, printed on vellum and bound into volume, with contemporary manuscript annotations (29.3 x 19.2 cm); leaves b-e) paper facsimiles, leaves 11, 113, 174, and 275; leaf f) leaf CXXII, printed on vellum, blue initials added by hand, with early manuscript annotation (29 x 18.5 cm).
Plan your visit. 225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016.
Plan your visit. 225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016.
Missale Strengnense (Strängnäs).
Accession number:
PML 25640.3a, f
[Stockholm] : Bartholomaeus Ghotan, 1487.
[275] leaves : illustrations (woodcut) ; 29.3 cm (fol.)
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