Two suppliant goddesses

between 1894 B.C. and 1595 B.C.
red-and-yellowish jasper
26 x 14 mm
Morgan Seal 565
Acquired by Pierpont Morgan sometime between 1885 and 1908.

"The motif presenting an inscription to which two suppliant goddesses appear to address themselves in prayer occurs in the earlier part of the First Dynasty of Babylon. Impressions of such seals are found on tablets from Larsa antedating the time of Hammurabi. However, the motif continued in use throughout the Old Babylonian period. This is demonstrated by the seals here assembled... 560, 564, 565 show crude cutting and probably derive from the latter part."--Porada, CANES, p. 62


Two suppliant goddesses, one at each side of inscription.

Southern Mesopotamia.