Tell me gentle stranger : a duet, sung with the greatest applause by Miss Carew & Mastr. Smith, Miss Melville and Mastr. Longhurst also by Miss Goodall & Master Parry / written & composed by John Parry.

Record ID: 
Accession number: 
PMC 1329
Parry, John, 1776-1851.
Biographical Data: 
English composer.
Tell me gentle stranger : a duet, sung with the greatest applause by Miss Carew & Mastr. Smith, Miss Melville and Mastr. Longhurst also by Miss Goodall & Master Parry / written & composed by John Parry.
Uniform title: 
Tell me gentle stranger
London : Printed, published, and sold by D'Almaine & Co., 20, Soho Square, [1855?]
Credit Line: 
Purchased on the Mary Flagler Cary Fund, 1998.

Second edition.


For 2 voices and piano.
Caption title.
Publication statement from advertising material on verso of page 7. Caption reads: "Printed by Goulding, D'Almaine, Potter & Co., 20 Soho Square & to be had at 7, Westmorland Street Dublin."