Original music consisting of a Psalm, a song, a waltz & trio arranged for the piano forte, and a duo for two flutes / by Abraham Taylor, self-taught & only fourteen years of age.

Record ID: 
Accession number: 
PMC 1264
Taylor, Abraham.
Biographical Data: 
English composer.
Original music consisting of a Psalm, a song, a waltz & trio arranged for the piano forte, and a duo for two flutes / by Abraham Taylor, self-taught & only fourteen years of age.
Uniform title: 
Works. Selections
London : Published for the author by Messrs. Phipps & Co. 25 Duke St. Grosvener Square, [1813]
Credit Line: 
Purchased on the Mary Flagler Cary Fund in 1998.

100th Psalm [begins: "With one consent let all the earth"] -- Song [begins: "Hail Innocence! Celestial Maid!"] -- Waltz -- Duetto -- Duetto.


Works for 4 mixed voices and piano; solo voice and piano; piano solo; and 2 flutes.
Transcribed title page: Original Music, / Consisting of / A PSALM, A SONG, A WALTZ & TRIO, / Arranged for the / Piano Forte, / And a DUO for Two Flutes, / BY / Abraham Taylor, / Self-taught, & only fourteen Years of age. / NB. By referring to the Monthly Magazine for January & February, 1812, some account / may be seen of this Musical Boy, who has just entered upon an Apprenticeship with Mr. W.L. / Viner, an able Professor of Music in this City. / Bath. 31. May, 1813. / Pr. 4s. / LONDON / Published for the Author by Messrs. Phipps & Co. 25 Duke St. Grosvener Square. / And Sold at Cole's Music & Musical Instrument Rooms Abbey Green, Bath.