[Program for the Henry Wood Jubilee Concert, at Royal Albert Hall (London), on 5 October 1938, conducted by Henry J. Wood, at which Sergei Rachmaninoff played his Piano Concerto no. 2].

Record ID: 
[Program for the Henry Wood Jubilee Concert, at Royal Albert Hall (London), on 5 October 1938, conducted by Henry J. Wood, at which Sergei Rachmaninoff played his Piano Concerto no. 2].
[S.l., : S.n., 1938]

The other works performed were the National Anthem, "O gladsome light" form Sullivan's Golden legend, Beethoven's Egmont Overture, the Sanctus from Bach's Mass in B minor, Bax's London pageant, Vaughan Williams's Ode to music, the Ride of the Valkyries from Wagner's Walküre, the "Hailstone" chorus form Handel's Israel in Egypt, and Elgar's Pomp and circumstance march no. 1.
Signed by Wood beneath a photograph of him on p. [3].

Associated names: 

Rachmaninoff, Sergei, 1873-1943. Concertos, piano, orchestra, no. 2, op. 18, C minor.
Wood, Henry Joseph, Sir, 1869-1944, signer.

Music Collection: