[Programs for performances of George Frideric Handel's 12 Grand Concertos, op. 6, HWV 319-30, op. 6, nos. 1 and 11, London, 1790; op. 6, no. 10, New York, 1925; op. 6, no. 12, New York, 1935; op. 6, no. 6, New York, 1950].

Record ID: 
[Programs for performances of George Frideric Handel's 12 Grand Concertos, op. 6, HWV 319-30, op. 6, nos. 1 and 11, London, 1790; op. 6, no. 10, New York, 1925; op. 6, no. 12, New York, 1935; op. 6, no. 6, New York, 1950].
[London, 1790 ; New York, 1925, 1935, 1950]

Guidi and Lange (violins), Schulz (cello), conducted by Furtwängler (New York, 1925); Piastro and Pogany (violins), Wallenstein (cello), conducted by Toscanini (New York, 1935); Corigliano and Pogany (violins), Rose (cello), conducted by Walter (New York, 1950).

Associated names: 

Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Concerti grossi, violins (2), violoncello, string orchestra, op. 6. No. 1-4.
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Concerti grossi, violins (2), violoncello, string orchestra, op. 6. No. 5-8.
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Concerti grossi, violins (2), violoncello, string orchestra, op. 6. No. 9-12.

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