Autograph letters signed (8), dated : Enge bei Zurich, Albisbrunn, Zurich, and St. Moritz, 1851-1853, to [Henriette Moritz in Schwerin, Breslau, and Wiesbaden], 1851 Sept. 6.

Record ID: 
Accession number: 
MLT W134.M862 (1-8)
Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883.
Biographical Data: 
German composer.
Autograph letters signed (8), dated : Enge bei Zurich, Albisbrunn, Zurich, and St. Moritz, 1851-1853, to [Henriette Moritz in Schwerin, Breslau, and Wiesbaden], 1851 Sept. 6.
1851 Sept. 6.

The letters are numbered (presumably by Moritz) 1-6, 8, and 9; at the top of no. 8 is written: "No. 7 contained only a few lines, I sent it towards a collection of celebrities to Florence in 1889."
They are also numbered, in pencil, 4-11.

Associated names: 

Moritz, Henriette, recipient.

Music Collection: