In the margin of fol. 1v: "Des Wolfgangerl Compositiones in den ersten 3 Monat[en] nach seinem / 5ten Jahre." Between the staves at the beginning of K. 1c: "Sgr: Wolfgango Mozart. 11ten Decembris 1761." At the top of K. 1d: "Menuetto del Sgr: Wolfgango Mozart 16:ten Decembris [1]761."
Andante, C major -- Allegro, C major -- Allegro, F major -- Menuetto, F major.
For keyboard.
Ms. in the hand of Leopold Mozart.
Folios 4 and 5 from Nannerl Mozart's Music Book ("Nannerl's Notenbuch"). K. 1a and the beginning of K. 1b are on fol. 1v; the rest of K. 1b, and K. 1c, are on fol. 2r; K. 1d is on f. 2v; fol. 1r has diagrams of musical intervals, with their Latin and German descriptions.
H. J. Laufer (London).
Mozart, Leopold, 1719-1787, transcriber.
Laufer, Henry John, d. 1956, former owner.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791. Andantes, piano, K. 1a, C major.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791. Allegros, piano, K. 1b, C major.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791. Allegros, piano, K. 1c, F major.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791. Minuets, piano, K. 1d, F major.