The Trinity rests on the seventh day of Creation. At the bottom left is the Earth before Creation, void and empty, before “the Spirit of God moved over the waters” (Genesis 1:2). At the bottom right is Terrestrial Paradise with its four rivers flowing to the four corners of the earth, each represented by a city. Labels for two countries are legible: Perse and Ethiopia. The enthroned Three Persons of the Trinity are flanked by the nine choirs of angels, arranged in neat, populous rows. All seems in perfect order until we see, at the left, a tenth—empty—row, its gold background unobscured by occupants. This is the row once occupied by the angels who rebelled against God. The rebellious angels can be found below the Trinity, falling head first, nude and mean-faced.
Lothian Bible,in Latin; England, Oxford, ca. 1220; MS M.791, fol. 4v. Given by Philip Hofer, 1935.