Livre de la chasse
Bequest of Clara S. Peck, 1983
Phoebus referred to these dogs as bird-dogs (chien d'oiseau) or spaniels (espaignolz), because the breed originated in Spain. They excelled in flushing out birds, especially partridge and quail, as well as other small game, such as rabbits. Killing a bird in flight with an arrow, however, was nearly impossible, so it was the falcon or the hawk that bagged the prey. Phoebus complained that spaniels lacked discipline, barked too much, and had so many other faults that he used them only when he had the goshawk, falcon, or sparrow hawk on his fist. Here spaniels walk, sit, recline, leap, scratch themselves, chew a bone, and suckle three young.
Image courtesy of Faksimile Verlag Luzern