Single leaf from an Antiphonary written and illuminated in Bologna, Italy.
Large historiated initial "H" (of Hodie [Today]) beginning the first Matins response for the Divine Office for Epiphany (Jan. 6), the Feast for the Adoration of the Magi).
The leaf is trimmed on all sides, especially at the bottom.
Artist: Maestro del 1328 (Master of 1328); also known as "Quarto Maestro di S. Domenico" after his work on its choir books. The Master of 1328 was recently so named by A. Conti after the Matricola dei merciai in the Museo Civico in Bologna (MS. 633) which is dated 1328 (See A Conti, La miniatura bolognese. Scuole e botteghe, 1270-1340, Bologna 1981, pp.81 ff). He also illuminated some choir books in the monastery of San Domenico in Bologna and a miniature at Yale (no. 1955.27.4).
Musical notation: 5 and 6 4-line staves in red ink, square notation.