Music Manuscripts and Printed Music

Displaying 19601–20000 of 26165 records
Record ID Creator Title Date Accession Number Images
53907 Gershwin, George, 1898-1937. An American in Paris / George Gershwin. c1930. PMC 1383
53910 Schubert, Franz, 1797-1828. Sieben Gesänge aus Walter Scott's Fräulein vom See / in Musik gesetzt mit Begleitung des Pianoforte ... von Franz Schubert ; Op. 52. 1826 PMM 14.1-2
53911 Schubert, Franz, 1797-1828. Lied der Anne Lyle : aus Walter Scott's Montrose ; Gesang der Norna : aus Walter Scott's Pirat : für eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Piano-Forte / in Musik gesetzt von Franz Schubert ; 85tes Werk. 1828? PMM 15
53912 Schubert, Franz, 1797-1828. Romanze des Richard Löwenherz : aus Walter Scott's Ivanhoe : für eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Piano-forte / in Musik gesetzt von Franz Schubert ; 86tes Werk. 1828? PMM 16
53913 Hahn, Reynaldo, 1875-1947. Portraits de peintres : pièces pour piano d'après les poésies de Marcel Proust / Reynaldo Hahn. c1896. PMM 37
53914 Van Vechten, Carl, 1880-1964. Five old English ditties / with music by Carl Van Vechten. c1904. PMM 55
53925 Elwart, A. (Antoine Aimable Élie), 1808-1877. Solfège du jeune âge : français et anglais / composé par A. Elwart ; lithographié sous sa direction. ca. 1840 PMC 1367
53987 Martini, Giovanni Battista, 1706-1784. Storia della musica ... / alla Sacra reale cattolica Maestà Maria Barbara ... umiliato, e dedicato da fr. Giambatista Martini. 1757 i.e. 1761-1781. PMC 1362-64
62164 Hewitt, John Hill, 1801-1890. All quiet along the Potomac to-night : dedicated to the unknown dead of the present revolution / words by Lamar Fontaine ; music by J.H. Hewitt. 1864?
62166 Ellerbrock, Chas. W. A. God save the South! : national hymn / words by Earnest Halphin ; music by Chas. W.A. Ellerbrock. 1861?
62167 Cameron, S. F. God save the Southern land / words & music adapted from an English ballad by Chaplain Cameron, C.S.A. c1864.
62168 Mera, C. C. No surrender : song / music by C.C. Mera. c1864.
62169 The dying soldier, or The moon rose o'er the battle plain / composed for the piano forte. c1864.
62170 Nordendorf, C. C. de (Charles Chaky de) Southern trooper[']s song : dedicated to Genl. J.E.B. Stuart and his gallant soldiers / by C. Nordendorf. between 1861 and 1864
62171 Lane, Alice. The stars of our banner : a Southern song / written by M.F. Bigney ; music by Alice Lane. c1861.
62173 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Allow me to explain : a farce / by W.S. Gilbert Esq. 1867 GSC 111352
62174 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. The realm of joy : being a free and easy version of Le roe Candeull [i.e. Le roi Candaule] 1873 GSC 111362
62175 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Ought we to visit her? 1874 GSC 111364
62176 Folkard, Dr. The Dyke House ; sketch of charade. 1877. GSC 111381
62177 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Our island home / by W.S. Gilbert. 1870 GSC 111356
62178 Supplement to The Sunday inter ocean. 1894. GSC 110201
62179 Caricatures from Entr'acte, 1887-1890. 1887-1890. GSC 111685
62180 Portraits and caricatures of Berlioz [print]. 18-- SCF
62182 Byron, H. T. Robinson Crusoe : burlesque / by H.T. Byron, W.S. Gilbert, T. Hook, H.S. Leigh, Arthur Sketchley, and "Nicholas." 1867 GSC 111355
62183 Announcement of Brahms's death on 3 April, 1897. 1897 April 4. PMC 904
62184 Ticket to Brahms's funeral, April 1897. 1897 April. PMC 905
62185 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Committed for trial : a farcical comedy in two acts / W. Gilbert. 1874 GSC 111353
62186 Crystal Palace concerts, 1869-1872. 1869-1872. GSC
62187 St. James's Hall and Crystal Palace concert programmes, 1876-1887. 1876-1887. GSC
62188 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Highly improbable : an original impossibility / W.S. Gilbert. 1867 GSC 111358
62189 The Royal Albert Hall Concerts, 1874-75. 1874-75. GSC
62190 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Topsy-turvydom : original extravaganza / by W.S. Gilbert. ca. 1930s GSC 111366
62191 Leeds Musical Festival, 1883-1907. 1883-1907. GSC
62192 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911, author. Great expectations : drama in three acts and prologue : carbon copy of typescript / by W.S. Gilbert. 1871 GSC 111361
62193 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. No cards / W.S. Gilbert. 18-- GSC 111360
62200 [Program for concert by the Metropolitan Orchestra, at the Music Hall (New York), on 21 Oct. 1892]. 1892. PMC 294
62203 [Program for the first staged peformance of El Retablo de maese Pedro by Manuel de Falla, conducted by the composer.] 1923 PMC 188
62204 Lyre et Palette : a private concert at 6, rue Huyghens, Paris, 1916 April 8. 1916 April 8. PMC 895
62205 Harding, Charles Alvar, 1915-2001, collector. Charles Alvar Harding collection, ca. 1850-ca. 1970. ca. 1850-ca. 1970. Harding
66912 Bargainnier, Earl F. W.S. Gilbert and American musical theatre. 1978
66939 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The First Night Gilbert and Sullivan : containing complete librettos of the fourteen operas, exactly as presented at their premiere performances, together with facsims. of the first-night programmes / edited, with a prologue and copious descriptive particulars, by Reginald Allen; and a foreword by Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Illustrated with contemporary drawings. 1958. GSC 100577
66940 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The First Night Gilbert and Sullivan : containing complete librettos of the 14 operas, exactly as presented at their première performances : illustrated with contemporary drawings / edited, with a prologue and copious descriptive particulars, by Reginald Allen ; and a foreword by Bridget D'Oyly Carte. 1975? GSC 100579
66948 Baily, Leslie. The Gilbert and Sullivan Book. 1966. GSC 100597
66980 Allen, Reginald. A Gilbert & Sullivan Collection / by Reginald Allen. 1953. GSC
67049 Archer, William, 1856-1924. English Dramatists of today. 1882. GSC 100604
67054 Bancroft, Marie, 1839-1921. The Bancrofts : recollections of sixty years / Marie Bancroft, Squire Bancroft. 1909. GSC 100611
67090 Miller, Francesca Falk, 1888-1969. Across the Little Space : the life story of Dr. Louis Falk, as told to his great-grand-daughter Dorothy Cara Strong / written by his daughter Francesca Falk Miller. 1933. GSC 100678
67114 Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870. Sikes and Nancy, a Reading by Charles Dickens : reprinted from the copy of the privately printed edition, formerly in the collection of Sir Henry Irving / with an introduction and a general bibliography of the reading editions by John Harrison Stonehouse. 1921. GSC
67132 Ingelow, Jean, 1820-1897. Poems / by Jean Ingelow. 1863. GSC 100737
67133 Stoker, Bram, 1847-1912. Personal Reminiscences of Henry Irving / by Bram Stoker. 1906. GSC 100734
67194 Short, Ernest Henry, 1875-1959. Sixty Years of Theatre / Ernest Short. 1951. GSC 100826
67210 Toole, John Lawrence, 1830-1906. Reminiscences of J.L. Toole / related by himself, and chronicled by Joseph Hatton. 1892. GSC 100860
67240 Catalogue of the King's music library / by William Barclay Squire ... Printed by order of the trustees. 1927-29. GSC 100983
67247 W.S. Gilbert : an anniversary exhibition celebrating the one hundred fiftieth year of his birth / Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, University of Rochester Library. 1986 GSC
67256 Gilbert, Lucy Agnes, Lady, 1847-1936. Kitty's cookery book / collated by Lady Gilbert. 1914. GSC 111333
67257 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Abel Druce, blacksmith. 1876? GSC 103975
67258 Clay, Frederic, 1838-1889. Ages ago / written by W.S. Gilbert ; music composed by Frederic Clay. c1895. GSC 103351
67259 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. An entirely new and original drama, in four acts, entitled Brantinghame Hall / by W.S. Gilbert. 1888. GSC 103615
67260 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Broken hearts : an entirely original fairy play in three acts / by W.S. Gilbert. 1875? GSC 103820
67261 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Charity : an entirely original play in four acts / by W.S. Gilbert. 1874? GSC 103797
67262 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Comedy and tragedy : an original drama in one act / by W.S. Gilbert. 1884? GSC 103580
67263 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Dan'l Druce, blacksmith : a new and original drama in three acts / by W.S. Gilbert. 1876? GSC 103817
67264 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Dan'l Druce, blacksmith : a new and original drama in three acts / by W.S. Gilbert. 1876? GSC 103830
67265 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. A new and original extravaganza, entitled Dulcamara, or, The little duck and the great quack / by W.S. Gilbert. 1866. GSC 111346
67266 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. A new and original extravaganza, entitled Dulcamara, or, The little duck and the great quack / by W.S. Gilbert. 1866. GSC 103790
67267 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Engaged : an entirely original farcical comedy, in three acts / by W.S. Gilbert. 1877? GSC 103548
67268 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Foggerty's fairy : an entirely original fairy farce in three acts / by W.S. Gilbert. 1881? GSC 103978
67269 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. The fortune hunter : an original play in three acts / by W.S. Gilbert. 1897? GSC 103562
67270 Clay, Frederic, 1838-1889. Mr. and Mrs. German Reed's new and original entertainment, entitled, Happy Arcadia / written by W.S. Gilbert ; music by Frederic Clay. To be followed by a new musical sketch, Five o'clock tea / by Mr. Corney Grain. To conclude with Charity begins at home : musical proverb in one act / written by B. Rowe ; music by Alfred Cellier. 1872? GSC 103823
67271 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Gretchen : a play, in four acts / by W.S. Gilbert. 1879? GSC 111750
67272 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. The happy land : a burlesque version of The wicked world / by F. Tomline and Gilbert A'Beckett. 1873. GSC 103459
67273 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Harlequin Cock-robin and Jenny Wren, or, Fortunatus and the water of life, the three bears, the three gifts, the three wishes, and the little man who woo'd the little maid : grand comic Christmas pantomime / by W.S. Gilbert. 1867-1868. GSC 103816
67274 Carr, F. Osmond (Frank Osmond), 1858-1916. His Excellency : an entirely original comic opera in two acts / written by W.S. Gilbert ; music composed by Osmond Carr. 1894. GSC 103795
67275 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. La vivandière, or, True to the corps! : an original operatic extravaganza founded on Donizetti's opera, La figlia del regimento / W.S. Gilbert. 1868 GSC 103825
67276 Cellier, Alfred, 1844-1891. An entirely original comic opera, in two acts, entitled the Mountebanks / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Alfred Cellier. c1892. GSC 103826
67277 Cellier, Alfred, 1844-1891. An entirely original comic opera, in two acts, entitled the Mountebanks / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Alfred Cellier. c1892. GSC 100250
67278 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. The ne'er-do-weel : an entirely original play in three acts / by W.S. Gilbert. 1878? GSC 111350
67279 Reed, Thomas German, 1817-1888. Mr. and Mrs. German Reed's entirely new entertainment, in which Mdlle. Rosa D'Erina, and Mr. Arthur Cecil will appear, entitled No cards. After which, Cox and box, or The long-lost brothers. 1869? GSC 103834
67280 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Ought we to visit her? : a comedy in three acts / dramatized from Mrs. Edwardes's novel by W.S. Gilbert. 1874? GSC 103794
67281 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. The palace of truth : a fairy comedy in three acts / by W.S. Gilbert. 1870? GSC 103824
67282 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. A stage play / by Sir William Schenck Gilbert ; with an introduction by William Archer. 1916. GSC 111348
67283 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Tom Cobb, or, Fortune's toy : an entirely original farcical comedy in three acts / by W.S. Gilbert. 1875? GSC 103555
67284 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. The wedding march = Le chapeau de paille dI̕talie : an eccentricity, in three acts / by W.S. Gilbert. 1873 GSC 103408
67285 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. The wicked world : an entirely original fairy comedy in three acts & one scene / by W.S. Gilbert. 1873? GSC 103809
67286 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. The wicked world : an entirely original fairy comedy in three acts & one scene / by W.S. Gilbert. 1873? GSC 103818
67287 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The pirates of Penzance, or, The slave of duty : an entirely original comic opera in two acts / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1880? GSC 103708
67288 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. An entirely original fairy opera in two acts, entitled Iolanthe, or, The peer and the peri / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1882 GSC 103707
67289 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. An entirely new and original aesthetic opera in two acts entitled Patience, or, Bunthorne's bride / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1881 GSC 103706
67290 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. A respectful operatic per-version of Tennyson's Princess in two acts entitled Princess Ida, or, Castle Adamant. / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1884 GSC 103710
67291 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. An entirely original comic opera in two acts entitled The gondoliers, or, The king of Barataria / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1889? GSC 103711
67292 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The Grand Duke, or, The statutory duel : a comic opera in two acts / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. c1896. GSC 103713
67293 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. An original comic opera in two acts entitled Utopia (Limited), or, The flowers of progress / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. c1893. GSC 103712
67294 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Thespis, or, The gods grown old : an entirely original grotesque opera, in two acts / by W.S. Gilbert ; original music by Arthur Sullivan. 1871? GSC 103811
67295 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Thespis, or, The gods grown old : an entirely original grotesque opera, in two acts / by W.S. Gilbert ; original music by Arthur Sullivan. 1871? GSC 103800
67296 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Thespis, or, The gods grown old : an entirely original grotesque opera, in two acts / by W.S. Gilbert ; original music by Arthur Sullivan. 1871? GSC 103804
67297 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Thespis, or, The gods grown old : an entirely original grotesque opera, in two acts / by W.S. Gilbert ; original music by Arthur Sullivan. 1871? GSC 103801
67298 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Thespis, or, The gods grown old : an entirely original grotesque opera, in two acts / by W.S. Gilbert ; original music by Arthur Sullivan. 1871? GSC 103803
67299 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Thespis, or, The gods grown old : an entirely original grotesque opera, in two acts / by W.S. Gilbert ; original music by Arthur Sullivan. 1871? GSC 103709
67300 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The pirates of Penzance, or, The slave of duty : an entirely original melodramatic opera in two acts / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. c1879 or 1880 GSC 100298
67301 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The pirates of Penzance, or, The slave of duty : an entirely original melodramatic opera in two acts / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. c1879 or 1880 GSC 200910
67302 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. An entirely new and original aesthetic opera in two acts entitled Patience, or, Bunthorne's bride / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1881 GSC 103798
67303 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Patience, or, Bunthorne's bride / by W.S. Gilbert ; with new introduction. 1902. GSC 100438
67304 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Patience, or, Bunthorne's bride / by W.S. Gilbert ; with new introduction. 1902. GSC 100437
67305 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Patience, or, Bunthorne's bride / by W.S. Gilbert ; with new introduction. 1902. GSC 111431
67306 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Iolanthe and other operas / by W.S. Gilbert ; with illustrations by W. Russell Flint. 1910. GSC 111449
67307 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The yeomen of the Guard, or, The merryman and his maid / by W.S. Gilbert ; with coloured illustrations by W. Russell Flint. 1912. GSC 111442
67308 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Iolanthe, or, The peer and the peri / by W.S. Gilbert ; with coloured illustrations by W. Russell Flint. 1911. GSC 111438
67309 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Ruddigore, or, The witch's curse / by W.S. Gilbert ; with coloured illustrations by W. Russell Flint. 1912. GSC 111870
67310 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Thespis, or, The gods grown old : an entirely original grotesque opera, in two acts / by W.S. Gilbert ; original music by Arthur Sullivan. 1871? GSC 100242
67311 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. An entirely original comic opera in two acts entitled The gondoliers, or, The king of Barataria / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1889? GSC 103828
67312 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The pirates of Penzance, or, The slave of duty / by W.S.Gilbert ; with coloured illustrations by W. Russell Flint. 1911. GSC 111443
67313 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Patience, or, Bunthorne's Bride / by W.S. Gilbert ; with coloured illustrations by W. Russell Flint. 1911. GSC 111445
67314 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The gondoliers, or, The king of Barataria / by W.S. Gilbert ; with coloured illustrations by W. Russell Flint. 1912. GSC 111446
67315 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The Mikado, or, The town of Titipu / by W.S. Gilbert ; with coloured illustrations by W. Russell Flint. 1911. GSC 111444
67316 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Princess Ida, or, Castle Adamant / by W.S. Gilbert ; with coloured illustrations by W. Russell Flint. 1912. GSC 111447
67317 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The Mikado, or, The town of Titipu / by Sir W.S. Gilbert ; with eight illustrations in colour by W. Russell Flint & drawings in pen and ink by Charles E. Brock. 1928. GSC 111435
67318 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The yeomen of the guard, or, The merryman and his maid / by Sir W.S. Gilbert. 1929. GSC 111434
67319 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The Mikado, or, The town of Titipu / by Sir W.S. Gilbert ; illustrated by W. Russell Flint and Charles E. Brock. 1979. GSC 111432
67320 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The Mikado, or, The town of Titipu / by Sir W.S. Gilbert ; illustrated by W. Russell Flint and Charles E. Brock. 1979. GSC 111433
67321 Beerbohm, Max, Sir, 1872-1956. Caricatures of twenty-five gentlemen / by Max Beerbohm ; with an introduction by L. Raven-Hill. 1896. GSC 111386
67322 Cook, Eliza, 1818-1889. New echoes ; and other poems / by Eliza Cook. 1864. GSC 111375
67323 Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870. A Christmas carol ; to which some passages from The chimes have been added / written by Charles Dickens ; arranged as a reading from the author's text by Sir Squire Bancroft. 18--? GSC 111746
67324 Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870. The readings of Mr. Charles Dickens, as condensed by himself / with original illustrations. 1868. GSC 111378
67325 Goodrich, Louis. Ann and Harold / by Louis Goodrich ; drawings by Marie Kale. 1933. GSC 111376
67326 Folkard, Dr. The Dyke House : a drama in one act / by Dr. Folkard. 1877 GSC 111383
67327 Folkard, Dr. The Dyke House : a drama in one act / by Dr. Folkard. 1877 GSC 111385
67328 Folkard, Dr. The Dyke House : a drama in one act / by Dr. Folkard. 1877 GSC 111384
67329 Locker-Lampson, Frederick, 1821-1895. London lyrics / by Frederick Locker. 1868. GSC 1113349
67330 MacKay, Alice Dacre. Song of the London man ; Song of South Africa ; and other poems / by Alice Dacre MacKay ; with a portrait of the author. 1906. GSC 111374
67331 Nicholson, R. T. Lyrical versicles / by R.T.N. 1891? GSC 201261
67332 Palgrave, Francis Turner, 1824-1897. The golden treasury of the best songs and lyrical poems in the English language / selected and arranged with notes by Francis Turner Palgrave. 1892. GSC 111369
67333 Preston, Thomas, 1834-1901. The Yeomen of the Guard : their history from 1485 to 1885 : and a concise account of the Tower Warders / by Thomas Preston. 1887? GSC 111320
67334 Roosevelt, Blanche, Marchesa d'Allegri. A Riviera romance : rien ne va plus / by Blanche Roosevelt. 1899. GSC 111372
67335 Roosevelt, Blanche, 1853-1898. The home life of Henry W. Longfellow : reminiscences of many visits at Cambridge and Nahant, during the years 1880, 1881, and 1882 / by Blanch Roosevelt Tucker-Macchetta. 1882. GSC 111370
67336 Stoker, Bram, 1847-1912. Famous imposters / by Bram Stoker ; with 10 illustrations. 1910. GSC 111388
67337 Brierley, Benjamin, 1825-1896. Spring blossoms and autumn leaves / By Ben Brierley. 1893. GSC 111387
67338 Sharp, William, 1855-1905, editor. Sonnets of the nineteenth century / edited and arranged, with a critical introduction on the sonnet, by William Sharp. 1905? GSC
67339 Trevelyan-Thomson, Hilda. First verses / by Hilda Trevelyan-Thomson. 1929. GSC 111377
67340 Vezin, Hermann, 1829-1910. Recitations / [compiled by] Hermann Vezin. 1898. GSC 111379
67341 Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith, 1856-1923. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm / by Kate Douglas Wiggin. 1904. GSC 111321
67342 Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith, 1856-1923. A village Stradivarius / by Kate Douglas Wiggin. 1904. GSC 111373
67343 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. The Pinafore picture book : the story of H.M.S. Pinafore / told by Sir W.S. Gilbert and illustrated by Alice B. Woodward. 1908. GSC 111541
67344 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. The Pinafore picture book : the story of H.M.S. Pinafore / told by Sir W.S. Gilbert and illustrated by Alice B. Woodward. 1908. GSC 111543
67345 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. The story of H.M.S. Pinafore / by Sir W.S. Gilbert ; illustrated in colour and black and white by Alice B. Woodward. 1913. GSC 111538
67346 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. The story of H.M.S. Pinafore / by Sir W.S. Gilbert ; illustrated in colour and black and white by Alice B. Woodward. 1913. GSC 111539
67347 Gilbert, William, 1804-1890. King George's middy / by William Gilbert ; with one hundred and fifty illustrations by W.S. Gilbert. 1869 GSC 100220
67348 Gilbert, William, 1804-1890. King George's middy / by William Gilbert ; with one hundred and fifty illustrations by W.S. Gilbert. 1869 GSC 111418
67349 Gilbert, William, 1804-1890. King George's middy / by William Gilbert ; with one hundred and fifty illustrations by W.S. Gilbert. 1872. GSC 111421
67350 Gilbert, William, 1804-1890. Shirley Hall Asylum, or, The memoirs of a monomaniac / edited by the author of "Dives and Lazarus" [i.e. William Gilbert] 1863. GSC 111409
67351 Gilbert, William, 1804-1890. The magic mirror : a round of tales for young and old / by William Gilbert ; with eighty-four illustrations by W. S. Gilbert. 1866 GSC 111408
67352 Gilbert, William, 1804-1890. The magic mirror : a round of tales for young and old / by William Gilbert ; with eighty-four illustrations by W. S. Gilbert. 1866 GSC 111406
67353 Gilbert, William, 1804-1890. The magic mirror : a round of tales for young and old / by William Gilbert ; with eighty-four illustrations by W. S. Gilbert. 1866 GSC 111405
67354 Gilbert, William, 1804-1890. The magic mirror : tales for young and old / by William Gilbert ; with eighty-four illustrations by W. S. Gilbert. 1870. GSC 111865
67355 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Songs of a Savoyard / by W.S. Gilbert ; illustrated by the author. 1890 GSC 111240
67356 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Songs of a Savoyard / by W.S. Gilbert ; illustrated by the author. 1890 GSC 100252
67357 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Songs of a Savoyard / by W.S. Gilbert ; illustrated by the author. 1890 GSC 111238
67358 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Songs of a Savoyard / by W.S. Gilbert ; illustrated by the author. 1890 GSC 111239
67359 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Songs of a Savoyard / by W.S. Gilbert ; illustrated by the author. 1890 GSC 111235
67360 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Songs of a Savoyard / by W.S. Gilbert ; illustrated by the author. 1890 GSC 111236
67361 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Songs of a Savoyard / by W.S. Gilbert ; illustrated by the author. 1890 GSC 111237
67362 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Songs of a Savoyard / by W.S. Gilbert ; illustrated by the author. 1890 GSC 111230
67363 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Songs of a Savoyard / by W.S. Gilbert ; illustrated by the author. 1890 GSC 111233
67364 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Songs of a Savoyard / by W.S. Gilbert ; illustrated by the author. 1890 GSC 111232
67365 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Songs of a Savoyard / by W.S. Gilbert ; illustrated by the author. 1890 GSC 111231
67366 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Songs of a Savoyard / by W.S. Gilbert ; illustrated by the author. 1890 GSC 111234
67367 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Songs of a Savoyard / by W.S. Gilbert ; illustrated by the author. 1891. GSC 111229
67368 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Songs of a Savoyard / by W.S. Gilbert ; illustrated by the author. 1890 GSC 111228
67369 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Songs of a Savoyard / by W.S. Gilbert ; illustrated by the author. 1890 GSC 111872
67370 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original comic operas / written by W.S. Gilbert. 1885? GSC 111475
67371 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original comic operas / written by W.S. Gilbert. 1885? GSC 111249
67372 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original comic operas / written by W.S. Gilbert. 1885? GSC 111247
67373 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original comic operas / written by W.S. Gilbert. 1885? GSC 111248
67374 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original comic operas / written by W.S. Gilbert. 1894? GSC 111244
67375 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original comic operas / written by W.S. Gilbert. 1894? GSC 111243
67376 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original comic operas / written by W.S. Gilbert. 1894? GSC 111245
67377 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original comic operas / written by W.S. Gilbert. 1894? GSC 111246
67378 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original comic operas / written by W.S. Gilbert. 1905 GSC 111875
67379 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original comic operas / written by W.S. Gilbert. 1894? GSC 111241
67380 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original comic operas / written by W.S. Gilbert. 1890? GSC 111242
67381 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert. 1876. GSC 104407
67382 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert. 1876. GSC 104404
67383 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert. 1876. GSC 104403
67384 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert 1876. GSC 104401
67385 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert 1876. GSC 104406
67386 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert. 1876. GSC 104405
67387 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; first series. 1905. GSC 104408
67388 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; third series. 1903. GSC 104410
67389 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; second series. 1904. GSC 104409
67390 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; first series. 1894. GSC 104412
67391 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; first series. 1894. GSC 104413
67392 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; first series. 1884. GSC 104458
67393 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; second series. 1886. GSC 104459
67394 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; second series. 1881. GSC 104411
67395 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; first series. 1894. GSC 104460
67396 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; first series. 1894. GSC 104414
67397 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; second series. 1904. GSC 104415
67398 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; second series. 1886. GSC 111481
67399 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; first series. 1884. GSC 104418
67400 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; first series. 1881. GSC 104417
67401 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; second series. 1881. GSC 104420
67402 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; second series. 1881. GSC 104423
67403 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; second series. 1881. GSC 104422
67404 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; third series. 1895. GSC 104424
67405 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; second series. 1886. GSC 104419
67406 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; third series. 1895. GSC 104428
67407 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; first series. 1908. GSC 104426
67408 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; second series. 1907. GSC 104427
67409 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; third series. 1895. GSC 104443
67410 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; first series. 1909. GSC 104429
67411 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; second series. 1909. GSC 104430
67412 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; third series. 1909. GSC 104431
67413 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; fourth series ; with a portrait. 1911. GSC 104432
67414 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; first series. 1909. GSC 104433
67415 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; second series. 1909. GSC 104434
67416 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; third series. 1911. GSC 104435
67417 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; fourth series ; with a portrait. 1911. GSC 104436
67418 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; first series. 1920. GSC 104437
67419 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; second series. 1922. GSC 104449
67420 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; third series. 1923. GSC 104450
67421 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; fourth series ; with a portrait. 1922. GSC 104452
67422 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; first series. 1925. GSC 104447
67423 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; second series. 1920. GSC 104448
67424 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; fourth series ; with a portrait. 1911. GSC
67425 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Original plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; volume two. 1941. GSC 104446
67426 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Foggerty's fairy and other tales / by W.S. Gilbert. 1890. GSC 111480
67427 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Foggerty's fairy and other tales / by W.S. Gilbert. 1890. GSC 100501
67428 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Foggerty's fairy and other tales / by W.S. Gilbert. 1890. GSC 111479
67429 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Foggerty's fairy and other tales / by W.S. Gilbert. 1890. GSC 100302
67430 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Foggerty's fairy and other tales / by W.S. Gilbert. 1890. GSC 111513
67431 The Savage-Club papers / edited by Andrew Halliday. 1867. GSC 111512
67432 The Savage-Club papers / edited by Andrew Halliday. 1868. GSC 111510
67433 The Savage-Club papers for 1868 / edited by Andrew Halliday. 1868. GSC 111511
67434 The Savage-Club papers / edited by Andrew Halliday. 1867. GSC 111876
67435 The Savage-Club papers. [First and] second series / edited by Andrew Halliday. 1868-1869. GSC 111877
67436 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Foggerty's fairy and other tales / by W.S. Gilbert. 1892. GSC 111478
67437 Rates and taxes and how they were collected / edited by T. Hood. 1866. GSC 111509
67438 Rates and taxes and how they were collected / edited by T. Hood. 1866. GSC 111508
67439 A bunch of keys : where they were found and what they might have unlocked : a Christmas book / edited by T. Hood. 1865. GSC 111507
67440 Drawing-room plays and parlour pantomimes / collected by Clement Scott. 1870. GSC 111506
67441 Drawing-room plays and parlour pantomimes / collected by Clement Scott. 1870. GSC 111505
67442 Drawing-room plays and parlour pantomimes / collected by Clement Scott. 187-? GSC 111504
67443 Drawing-room plays and parlour pantomimes / collected by Clement Scott. 1870. GSC 111503
67444 Humorous readings and recitations in prose and verse / selected and edited by Leopold Wagner. 1888 GSC 11524
67445 Howard's book of drawing-room theatricals / ed. by Clarence J. Howard. c1870. GSC 111525
67446 XX stories / by XX tellers ; edited by Leopold Wagner. 1895. GSC 111520
67447 Lawrence, George A. (George Alfred), 1827-1876. Novels, tales, and poetry / by the author of "Guy Livingstone" [G.A. Lawrence] ... [et al.] no date GSC 111528
67448 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. A colossal idea : an original farce / by W.S. Gilbert ; with introduction and decorations by Townley Searle. 1932. GSC 103784
67449 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. A colossal idea : an original farce / by W.S. Gilbert ; with introduction and decorations by Townley Searle. 1932. GSC 103786
67450 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. A colossal idea : an original farce / by W.S. Gilbert ; with introduction and decorations by Townley Searle. 1932. GSC 103787
67451 Bierce, Ambrose, 1842-1914? The fiend's delight / by Dod Grile [i.e. Ambrose Bierce] 1872 GSC 111403
67452 Mayhew, Henry, 1812-1887. London characters and the humorous side of London life : with upwards of seventy illustrations. 18-- GSC 111371
67453 Mayhew, Henry, 1812-1887. London characters : illustrations of the humour, pathos & peculiarities of London life / by Henry Mayhew and other writers ; with numerous illustrations by W.S. Gilbert and others. 1874. GSC 111400
67454 Twain, Mark, 1835-1910. Eye openers : good things, immensely funny sayings & stories that will bring a smile upon the gruffest countenance / by Mark Twain. 1871? GSC 111866
67455 Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888. Jimmy's cruise in the Pinafore, etc. / by Louisa M. Alcott. 1879. GSC 200827
67456 The knowing ones at home : what they saw and what they did / profusely illustrated by W.S. Gilbert and other artists. 186-? GSC 111484
67457 The stage door : stories by those who enter it / edited by Clement W. Scott. 1880. GSC 111486
67458 Fun's holiday book for the seaside, the road, rail, and river / with pictures on every page engraved by Dalziel Brothers. 186-? GSC 111521
67459 Merry thoughts / by Tom Hood and other authors ; profusely illustrated by various artists ; engraved by Dalziel Brothers. 1883? GSC 111523
67460 The green room : stories by those who frequent it / edited by Clement Scott. 1880 GSC 111486
67461 The Queen's carol : an anthology of poems, stories, essays, drawings, and music / by British authors, artists, and composers. 1905. GSC 111559
67463 The flag : the book of the Union Jack Club / edited by Major H.F. Trippel ; art editor, P.G. Konody. 1908 GSC 111550
67464 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The beauty stone : an original romantic musical drama in three acts / by Arthur W. Pinero, J. Comyns Carr, and Arthur Sullivan. c1898. GSC 102281
67465 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. An original light English opera in three acts entitled Haddon Hall / written by Sydney Grundy ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. c1892. GSC 102275
67466 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. A new comic opera, entitled The rose of Persia, or, The story teller and the slave / written by Basil Hood ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1899. GSC 102274
67467 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The Grand Duke, or, The statutory duel : a comic opera in two acts / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. c1896. GSC 102283
67468 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The pirates of Penzance, or, The slave of duty : an entirely original comic opera in two acts / written by W. S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1888 GSC 102276
67469 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. An entirely original fairy opera in two acts, entitled Iolanthe, or, The peer and the peri / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1882 GSC 102282
67470 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The emerald isle, or, The caves of Carrig-Cleena : a new and original comic opera in two acts / written by Basil Hood ; composed by Arthur Sullivan and Edward German. c1901. GSC 102273
67471 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. An original comic opera in two acts entitled The chieftain / written by F.C. Burnand ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. c1894. GSC 101979
67472 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. An entirely new and original aesthetic opera in two acts entitled Patience, or, Bunthorne's bride / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1881 GSC 102280
67473 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. A new and original opera in two acts entitled The yeomen of the Guard, or, The merryman and his maid / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1888? GSC 102279
67474 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. An entirely new and original Japanese opera in two acts entitled The Mikado, or, The town of Titipu / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1885? GSC 102277
67475 Good words for the young, 1869 / edited by Norman Macleod. 1869 GSC 111555
67476 Good words for 1867 / edited by Norman Macleod. 1867 GSC 111556
67477 The world of wit and humour / edited by George Manville Fenn. 1872? GSC 111557
67478 The extract of fun : a cordial for young and old : with hundreds of comic illustrations. 18-- GSC 111488
67479 The knowing ones at home : what they saw and what they did / profusely illustrated by W.S. Gilbert and other artists. 186-? GSC 111489
67480 The 5 alls : a collection of stories, charades, acrostics, and puzzles / edited by Tom Hood. 186-? GSC 111485
67481 The green room : stories by those who frequent it / edited by Clement Scott. 1880 GSC 111487
67482 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. An entirely new and original aesthetic opera in two acts entitled Patience, or, Bunthorne's bride / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1881 GSC 103766
67483 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. An entirely original comic opera in two acts entitled The gondoliers, or, The king of Barataria / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1889? GSC 103767
67484 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Il Mikado : operetta in 2 atti / musica del maestro Arturo Sullivan ; traduzione dall'Inglese di Gustavo Macchi ; riduzione di Francesco Gargano fu ... [?] 26 Settembre 1899. GSC 111697
67485 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. An original comic opera, in two acts, entitled Utopia Limited, or, The flowers of progress / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. c1893. GSC 101892
67486 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Der Mikado, oder, Ein Tag in Titipu : Operette in zwei Acten / von W.S. Gilbert ; Musik von Arthur Sullivan ; Deutsch von F. Zell und Richard Genée. 1886? GSC 111699
67487 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Patience, or, Bunthorne's bride : a comic opera in two acts / libretto by W.S. Gilbert ; music by Arthur Sullivan. c1881. GSC 111695
67488 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Chieftain / Sullivan & Burnand. 1894? GSC 111698
67489 Daily musical performances in the Royal Albert Hall : conductor, Mr. Barnby. 1874? GSC
67490 Krehbiel, Henry Edward, 1854-1923. Review of the New York musical season 1885-1886 [-1889-1890] : containing programmes of noteworthy occurrences, with numerous criticisms / by H.E. Krehbiel. 1886-1890. GSC
67491 Wingate, Charles E. L. (Charles Edgar Lewis), b. 1861. The playgoers' year-book, for 1888 : story of the stage the past year with especial reference to Boston / by Charles E.L. Wingate. 1888 GSC
67492 Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930. A straggler of '15 / [by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle]. 1894? GSC
67493 Carr, J. Comyns (Joseph Comyns), 1849-1916. King Arthur : a drama in a prologue and four acts / by J. Comyns Carr ; printed for private use only. 1895. GSC
67494 Carr, J. Comyns (Joseph Comyns), 1849-1916. King Arthur : a drama in a prologue and four acts / by J. Comyns Carr ; printed for private use only. 1895. GSC
67495 Carr, J. Comyns (Joseph Comyns), 1849-1916. King Arthur : a drama in a prologue and four acts / by J. Comyns Carr ; printed for private use only. 1893. GSC 201085
67496 Milman, Henry Hart, 1791-1868. The Martyr of Antioch : a dramatic poem / by the Rev. H.H. Milman. 1822. GSC 102104
67497 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1807-1882. The golden legend / by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 1851. GSC
67498 Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, Baron, 1809-1892. The foresters, Robin Hood and Maid Marian / by Alfred Lord Tennyson. 1892 GSC
67499 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The contrabandista / written by F. C. Burnand ; music by Arthur S. Sullivan. [Ching-Chow-Hi : an operatic extravaganza / by Offenbach] 1868? GSC
67500 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The interpolated libretto of a new triumviretta, entitled Cox and Box, or, the long lost brothers : in one act and 10 tableaux ; adapted to the lyric stage by F.C. Burnand, from Maddison Morton's well-known farce. 1867? GSC 100216
67501 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Ivanhoe : a romantic opera / adapted from Sir Walter Scott's novel ; words by Julian Sturgis ; music by Arthur Sullivan. 1891 GSC
67502 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Haddon Hall / by Sydney Grundy and Arthur Sullivan. c191-? GSC
67503 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The beauty stone : an original romantic musical drama in three acts / by Arthur W. Pinero, J. Comyns Carr, and Arthur Sullivan. c1898. GSC
67504 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The rose of Persia, or, The story teller and the slave / by Basil Hood and Arthur Sullivan. 1899. GSC
67505 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The emerald isle, or, The caves of Carrig-Cleena : a new and original comic opera in two acts / written by Basil Hood ; composed by Arthur Sullivan and Edward German. c1901. GSC
67506 German, Edward, 1862-1936. Merrie England : a new and original comic opera in two acts / written by Basil Hood ; composed by Edward German. c1902. GSC
67507 German, Edward, 1862-1936. A princess of Kensington : a new and original comic opera in two acts / written by Basil Hood ; composed by Edward German. 1903. GSC
67508 German, Edward, 1862-1936. Tom Jones : a comic opera / written by A.M. Thompson and R. Courtneidge ; lyrics by Chas. H. Taylor ; music by Edward German. 1907? GSC
67509 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The light of the world : an oratorio / the words selected from the Holy Scriptures ; the music composed by Arthur S. Sullivan, 1873. 1873? GSC 102161
67511 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The light of the world. 1873? GSC 102102
67512 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The light of the world : an oratorio / the words selected from the Holy Scriptures ; the music composed by Arthur S. Sullivan, 1873. 1873? GSC 102102
67513 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Capitän Wilson : Operette in 2 Akten / nach dem Englischen des W.S. Gilbert frei bearbeitet von Victor Léon und Carl Lindau ; Musik von Arthur Sullivan. 1889. GSC 102205
67514 Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936. The absent-minded beggar / by Rudyard Kipling. c1899. GSC
67515 Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936. The absent-minded beggar / by Rudyard Kipling. c1899. GSC
67516 Harris, Paula. The young Gilbert and Sullivan / Paula Harris ; illustrated by Gloria Timbs. c1965. GSC 101046
67517 Fletcher Smith, J. H.M.S. Pinafore, or, The lass that loved a sailor / adapted from Gilbert & Sullivan by J. Fletcher Smith ; illustrated by Griswold Tyng. 1935. GSC 101044
67518 Untermeyer, Louis, 1885-1977. The last pirate : tales from the Gilbert and Sullivan operas / by Louis Untermeyer ; illustrated by Reginald Birch. c1934. GSC 101055
67519 Gatliff, Evelyn. The Savoy stories : transcribed from the Gilbert and Sullivan operas / Evelyn Gatliff ; illustrated by Wolfgang Cardamatis. 1950. GSC 101052
67520 Bulla, Clyde Robert. Stories of Gilbert and Sullivan operas / by Clyde Robert Bulla ; illustrated by James & Ruth McCrea. c1968. GSC 101050
67521 Mearns, Martha. H.M.S. Pinafore / W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan ; told by Martha Mearns ; with drawings by Anne and Janet Grahame Johnstone. c1966. GSC
67522 Wells, Rosemary. W.S. Gilbert's The Duke of Plaza Toro : from The gondoliers, by W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan / set to pictures by Rosemary Wells. c1969. GSC 101045
67523 Chetwin, Grace. Box and Cox / by Grace Chetwin ; illustrated by David Small. c1990. GSC 101170
67524 Lawrence, Robert, 1912-1981. Gilbert and Sullivan's H.M.S. Pinafore / adapted by Robert Lawrence ; illustrated by Sheilah Beckett. c1940. GSC 101039
67525 Lawrence, Robert, 1912-1981. Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado / adapted by Robert Lawrence ; illustrated by Sheilah Beckett. c1940. GSC 101038
67526 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The Savoy operas : being the complete text of the Gilbert and Sullivan operas as originally produced in the years 1875-1896 / by W.S. Gilbert. 1926. GSC 111425
67527 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The Savoy operas : being the complete text of the Gilbert and Sullivan operas as originally produced in the years 1875-1896 / by W.S. Gilbert. 1927. GSC 112029
67528 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The Savoy operas : being the complete text of the Gilbert and Sullivan operas as originally produced in the years 1875-1896 / by W.S. Gilbert. 1939. GSC 111429
67529 Lawrence, Robert, 1912-1981. Three operas of Gilbert and Sullivan / [adapted by Robert Lawrence ; illustrated by Sheilah Beckett]. c1940 GSC 100340
67530 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Plays and poems of W.S. Gilbert : including the complete texts of the fourteen Gilbert and Sullivan operas, three other Gilbert plays and all the Bab ballads / illustrations by the author ; preface by Deems Taylor. c1932. GSC 112037
67531 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Plays and poems of W.S. Gilbert : including the complete texts of the fourteen Gilbert and Sullivan operas, three other Gilbert plays and all the Bab ballads / illustrations by the author ; preface by Deems Taylor. c1932 GSC 111422
67532 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The complete plays of Gilbert and Sullivan / illustrated by W.S. Gilbert ; and including 32 photographs from recent performances by the D'Oyly Carte Company by Jerome Robinson. 1938. GSC 112038
67533 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The complete plays of Gilbert and Sullivan. 195-? GSC 101035
67534 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. The best known works of W.S. Gilbert / with the author's illustrations. 193-? GSC 112034
67535 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The plays of Gilbert and Sullivan / illustrated by W.S. Gilbert. 1941. GSC 112035
67536 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. The best known works of W.S. Gilbert / with the author's illustrations. c1932. GSC 112036
67537 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Book and lyrics of the best-known Gilbert & Sullivan operas and the Bab ballads / W.S. Gilbert ; with Sir William Gilbert's own illustrations. c1932 GSC 100314
67538 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The Mikado, and other plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; introduction by Clarence Day, Jr. 1925 GSC 101026
67539 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Poems of W.S. Gilbert / selected by William Cole ; illustrations by W.S. Gilbert "Bab." c1967. GSC 112001
67540 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The Mikado, and other plays / by W.S. Gilbert ; introduction by Clarence Day, Jr. between 1919 and 1924 GSC 101068
67541 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. Bab ballads and Savoy songs / W.S. Gilbert. 1899? GSC 112032
67542 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The complete plays of Gilbert and Sullivan / illustrated by W.S. Gilbert. 1976. GSC 112033
67543 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The Mikado, and five other Savoy operas / W.S. Gilbert. 1961. GSC 101030
67544 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. H.M.S. Pinafore, and six other Savoy operas / W.S. Gilbert. 1961. GSC 101022
67545 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911. The best known works of W.S. Gilbert / with the author's illustrations. c1932. GSC 101058
67546 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Trial by jury : a novel and original dramatic cantata / by Arthur Sullivan & W.S. Gilbert. 1876. GSC 102783
67547 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Trial by jury : a dramatic cantata / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. ca. 1897 GSC 102790
67548 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Trial by jury / by W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan. 191-? GSC 102787
67549 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Trial by jury : a novel and original dramatic cantata / by Arthur Sullivan and W.S. Gilbert. 1875. GSC 102780
67550 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Das Brautpaar vor Gericht : Burleske-Operette in einem Act / von W.S. Gilbert ; Deutsch von Carl Lindau ; Musik von Arthur Sullivan. 1901. GSC 102788
67551 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The sorcerer : an original modern comic opera in two acts ; also, Trial by jury : a dramatic cantata / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1884? GSC 102817
67552 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The sorcerer : an original modern comic opera in two acts ; also, Trial by jury : a dramatic cantata / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 191-? GSC 102821
67553 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The sorcerer : an original modern comic opera in two acts ; also, Trial by jury : a dramatic cantata / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1884? GSC 102815
67554 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The sorcerer : an entirely original modern comic opera in two acts / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1877? GSC 102801
67555 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The sorcerer / W.S. Gilbert & Arthur Sullivan. 1976? GSC 103735
67556 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The sorcerer / by W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan. 1896? GSC 102803
67557 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The sorcerer / by W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan. 191-? GSC 102804
67558 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The sorcerer / by W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan. 1934 GSC 102805
67559 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The sorcerer / by W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan. 196-? GSC 102806
67560 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The sorcerer : an entirely original modern comic opera, in two acts / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1879. GSC 102810
67561 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The sorcerer : an entirely original modern comic opera, in two acts / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. between 1884 and 1899 GSC 102807
67562 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The sorcerer : an entirely original modern comic opera, in two acts / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 188-? GSC 102814
67563 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. H.M.S. Pinafore, or, The lass that loved a sailor : an entirely original nautical comic opera, in two acts / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1878? GSC 103742
67564 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. H.M.S. Pinafore, or, The lass that loved a sailor : an entirely original nautical comic opera in two acts / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1899? GSC 103755
67565 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. H.M.S. Pinafore, or, The lass that loved a sailor : an entirely original nautical comic opera in two acts / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1899? GSC 103754
67566 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. H.M.S. Pinafore, or, The lass that loved a sailor / by W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan. 191-? GSC 103752
67567 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. H.M.S. Pinafore, or, The lass that loved a sailor : an entirely original nautical comic opera / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1878? GSC 102855
67568 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. H.M.S. Pinafore, or, The lass that loved a sailor : an entirely original nautical comic opera / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1879? GSC 102856
67569 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Her Majesty's ship "Pinafore," or, The lass that loved a sailor : an entirely original nautical comic opera / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1879. GSC 102853
67570 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Her Majesty's ship "Pinafore," or, The lass that loved a sailor : an entirely original comic opera in two acts / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1879. GSC 102854
67571 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Her Majesty's ship Pinafore, or, The lass that loved a sailor : an entirely original comic opera, in two acts / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1878 i.e. 1879 GSC 102878
67572 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. H.M.S. Pinafore, or, the lass that loved a sailor : an entirely original nautical comic opera in two acts / the music by Arthur Sullivan ; the book by W.S. Gilbert. 190-? GSC 103732
67573 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. H.M.S. Pinafore, or, The lass that loved a sailor : an entirely original nautical comic opera, in two acts / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1879? GSC 102866
67574 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Her Majesty's Ship Pinafore, or, The lass that loved a sailor : an entirely original comic opera in two acts / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1879. GSC 102842
67575 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. H.M.S. Pinafore, or, The lass that loved a sailor / book by W.S. Gilbert ; music by Arthur Sullivan. 195-? GSC 103725
67576 Jarvis, B. G. The spectre of Tappington : a comic operetta in two scenes / words and music by B.G. Jarvis. H.M.S. Pinafore / written by W.S. Gilbert ; music by Arthur Sullivan. 1879 GSC 102971
67577 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. H.M.S. Pinafore, or, The lass that loved a sailor / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur S. Sullivan. 1976 GSC 103730
67578 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. H.M.S. Pinafore, oder Das Mædle und ihr Sailor Kerl : 'n Translation fun dem bekannte Opera / in Pennsylfanish Deutsch bei Alf. C. Moss. c1882. GSC 200840
67579 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Her Majesty's Ship Pinafore, or, The lass that loved a sailor : an entirely original comic opera in two acts / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1879 GSC 102845
67580 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. H.M.S. Pinafore, or, The lass that loved a sailor : an entirely original nautical comic opera in two acts / words by W.S. Gilbert ; music by Arthur Sullivan. 1879? GSC 102839
67581 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The pirates of Penzance, or, The slave of duty : an entirely original comic opera in two acts / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1900? GSC 102896
67582 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The pirates of Penzance, or, The slave of duty : an entirely original comic opera in two acts / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1900? GSC 102891
67583 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The pirates of Penzance, or, The slave of duty : an entirely original comic opera in two acts / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1896? GSC 102894
67584 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The pirates of Penzance, or, The slave of duty : an entirely original comic opera in two acts / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1882? GSC 102890
67585 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The pirates of Penzance, or, The slave of duty : an entirely original comic opera in two acts / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1880? GSC 102900
67586 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The pirates of Penzance, or, The slave of duty / by W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan. 195-? GSC 102904
67587 George, Charles, 1893-1960. The pirates of Penzance : a half-hour version of the famous Gilbert and Sullivan opera / condensed and arranged by Charles George. c1940. GSC 102906
67588 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The pirates of Penzance, or, The slave of duty : comic opera / by W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan ; in two acts. c1880. GSC 102915
67589 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The pirates of Penzance, or, The slave of duty : comic opera / by W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan ; in two acts. 1880? GSC 102917
67590 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The pirates of Penzance, or, The slave of duty : comic opera / by W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan ; in two acts. 1880? GSC 102919
67591 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The pirates of Penzance, or, The slave of duty : comic opera / by W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan ; in two acts. 1880? GSC 102921
67592 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The pirates of Penzance, or, The slave of duty : comic opera / byW.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan ; in two acts. c1880. GSC 102907
67593 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The pirates of Penzance, or, The slave of duty : comic opera / byW.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan ; in two acts. 1882, c1880. GSC 102922
67594 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The pirates of Penzance, or, The slave of duty : comic opera / byW.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan ; in two acts. c1880. GSC 103832
67595 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. The pirates of Penzance, or, The slave of duty : comic opera / by Arthur Sullivan and W.S. Gilbert ; in two acts. 1880? GSC 103833
67596 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Die Piraten von Penzance, oder, Ein Sklave seiner Pflicht / von W.S. Gilbert und Arthur Sullivan ; Bearbeitung Text, Robert Vambery ; [Bearbeitung] Musik, Theo Mackeben und Friedl-Renée. 192-? GSC 102905
67597 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. An entirely original fairy opera in two acts, entitled Iolanthe, or, The peer and the peri / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1882 GSC 102993
67598 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. An entirely original fairy opera in two acts, entitled Iolanthe, or, The peer and the peri / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1901? GSC 103002
67599 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. An entirely original fairy opera in two acts, entitled Iolanthe, or, The peer and the peri / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. 1901? GSC 103003
67600 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. An entirely original fairy opera in two acts, entitled Iolanthe, or, The peer and the peri / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan. between 1882 and 1901 GSC 102998
67601 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Iolanthe, or, The peer and the peri / by W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan. 190-? GSC 103000
67602 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Iolanthe, or, The peer and the peri / by W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan. 190-? GSC 102999
67603 Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Iolanthe, or, The peer and the peri / by W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan. 1932. GSC 103012