Morgan Collection

Salve Regina, second clarinet part : autograph manuscript, [1810-1825].

Bellini, Vincenzo, 1801-1835.
Salve Regina, F minor
Music Collection: 

Scena ed aria Ah! perfido, spergiuro : per il soprano all'accompagnamento d'orchestra ad uso de' concerti / composta da L. van Beethoven, Op. 65.

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827.
Ah, perfido. Vocal score
Lipsia : Presso C.F. Peters ..., [181-?]
PMM 63
Music Collection: 

Scenes from Alice in Wonderland : for the pianoforte, op. 50 / by Frank Lynes.

Lynes, Frank, 1858-1913.
Boston (120 Boylston St., Boston) ; New York (8 West 40th St., New York) : The Arthur P. Schmidt Co., c1908.
PMM 264
Music Collection: 

Scenes from Alice in Wonderland : for the pianoforte, op. 50 / by Frank Lynes.

Lynes, Frank, 1858-1913.
Boston (120 Boylston St., Boston) ; New York (11 West 36th St., New York) : The Arthur P. Schmidt Co., c1908.
PMM 265
Music Collection: 

Scherzo from Symphony no. 1 in D major, arranged for piano four-hands : autograph manuscript, 1884?

Mahler, Gustav, 1860-1911.
Symphonies, no. 1, D major. Kräftig bewegt; arr.
Music Collection: 

Se amore soltanto mi rese beato : autograph manuscript, [1792-1876].

Puzzi, Giovanni, 1792-1876.
Se amore soltanto mi rese beato
Music Collection: 

Se mi perdi oh madre amata : autograph manuscript, [1825-1877].

Gabriel, Virginia, 1825-1877.
Se mi perdi
Music Collection: 

Sechs Lieder nach Gedichten von Georg Trakl : für eine Singstimme, Klarinette, Bass-Klarinette, Geige und Violoncell, op. 14 / Anton Webern.

Webern, Anton, 1883-1945.
Lieder nach Gedichten von Georg Trakl
Wien ; New-York : Universal-Edition c1924.
PMM 45
Music Collection: 

Sechs Quartette für 2 Violinen, Viola et Violoncell op. 94. No. 5 / componirt von W.A. Mozart.

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791.
Quartets, violins (2), viola, cello, K. 172, B♭ major
PMM 340
Music Collection: 

Seeing : autograph manuscript, 1998 Oct. 31.

Rouse, Christopher, 1949-2019.
1998 Oct. 31.
Music Collection: