Gilbert and Sullivan Collection

Novels, tales, and poetry / by the author of "Guy Livingstone" [G.A. Lawrence] ... [et al.]

Lawrence, George A. (George Alfred), 1827-1876.
London and New York: G. Routledge and Sons, [n.d.]
GSC 111528

O fair dove! O fond dove! : song / words by Jean Ingelow ; music by Arthur S. Sullivan.

Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900.
O fair dove, o fond dove
London ; New York : E. Ashdown, [1868?]
GSC 110457

O fair dove! O fond dove! : song / words by Jean Ingelow ; music by Arthur S. Sullivan.

Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900.
O fair dove, o fond dove
London ; New York : E. Ashdown, [1868?]
GSC 110455

O fair dove! O fond dove! : song / words by Jean Ingelow ; music by Arthur S. Sullivan.

Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900.
O fair dove, o fond dove
London : Ashdown & Parry, [1868?]
GSC 110453

O fair dove! O fond dove! : song / words by Jean Ingelow ; music by Arthur S. Sullivan.

Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900.
O fair dove, o fond dove
London ; New York : E. Ashdown, [1868?]
GSC 110458

O fair dove! O fond dove! : song / words by Jean Ingelow ; music by Arthur S. Sullivan.

Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900.
O fair dove, o fond dove
London ; Boston : E. Ashdown, [1868?]
GSC 110454

O fair dove! O fond dove! : song / words by Jean Ingelow ; music by Arthur S. Sullivan.

Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900.
O fair dove, o fond dove
Philadelphia : Lee & Walker, [1868?]
GSC 110458

O gladsome light : evening hymn / [music by Sullivan].

Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900.
Golden legend. O gladsome light. Vocal score
London ; New York : Novello, Ewer, [1886?]

O God Thou art worthy to be praised : anthem / composed by Arthur S. Sullivan.

Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900.
O God, Thou art worthy
London : Novello, Ewer, [1871?]
GSC 110461

O God, our help in ages past / adapted to Arthur Sullivan's arrangement of the tune "St. Anne" by Sir Frederick Bridge.

Croft, William, 1678-1727.
London : Novello, [189-?]