Gilbert and Sullivan Collection

Letterpress transfer : to T. Adams, 1885 Feb. 13.

Smythe, Walter.
1885 Feb. 13.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to T. Arthur Highton, Princes Hall, 1891 Jan. 10.

Smythe, Walter.
1891 Jan. 10.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to T. E. Aylward, Esq., 1883 Feb. 17.

Smythe, Walter.
1883 Feb. 17.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to T. E. Mann, horn player, 1892 July 26.

Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900.
1892 July 26.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to T. J. Woodrow, 1884 Nov. 18.

Smythe, Walter.
1884 Nov. 18.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to T. M. Ford, 1886 May 3.

Smythe, Walter.
1886 May 3.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to T. O. Belshaw, 1886 May 24.

Smythe, Walter.
1886 May 24.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to T. R. Olver, Esq., Rose, Cottage, and Newlon Abbot, 1883 Jan. 31.

Smythe, Walter.
1883 Jan. 31.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to T. Weekes Holmes, Secretary of the London College of Music, 1889 Aug. 12.

Smythe, Walter.
1889 Aug. 12.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to Taylor and Rayward, 1892 Feb. 20.

Smythe, Walter.
1892 Feb. 20.
GSC 111755