Gilbert and Sullivan Collection

Letterpress transfer : to Mr. Broughton, choral master at Leeds, 1892 June 30.

Smythe, Walter.
1892 June 30.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to Mr. Collins, 1892 Sept. 5.

Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900.
1892 Sept. 5.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to Mr. Dubois, 1893 Nov. 17.

Smythe, Walter.
1893 Nov. 17.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to Mr. Duvivies, 1889 Apr. 26.

Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900.
1889 Apr. 26.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to Mr. Edwardes, 1894 May 29.

Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900.
1894 May 29.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to Mr. Enoch, 1888 Nov. 12.

Smythe, Walter.
1888 Nov. 12.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to Mr. F. R. Spark, of the Leeds Festival, 1892 Aug. 2.

Smythe, Walter.
1892 Aug. 2.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to Mr. Foster of the Bow and Bromley Institute, 1891 Jan. 17.

Smythe, Walter.
1891 Jan. 17.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to Mr. Fred. R. Spark, 1886 May 20.

Smythe, Walter.
1886 May 20.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to Mr. George Jennings, 1884 Feb. 22.

Smythe, Walter.
1884 Feb. 22.
GSC 111755