Gilbert and Sullivan Collection

Letterpress transfer : to Malby Trinningham, 1889 May 15.

Smythe, Walter.
1889 May 15.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to Malcolm L. Lloyd Jones, of the National Co-operative Festival, 1888 July 19.

Smythe, Walter.
1888 July 19.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to Marie Rachel, 1888 Sept. 11.

Smythe, Walter.
1888 Sept. 11.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to Mark H. Judge, secretary of The Sunday Society, 1890 Apr. 29.

Smythe, Walter.
1890 Apr. 29.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to Master Harry Lynes, 1883 Mar. 2.

Smythe, Walter.
1883 Mar. 2.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to Messer. Tattersall, 1884 Dec. 4.

Smythe, Walter.
1884 Dec. 4.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to Messors Kegan Paul, Trench &, Co., 1883 Jan. 29.

Smythe, Walter.
1883 Jan. 29.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to Messr. A. & H. Blackmore, Dramatic Agents & Co., 1883 Feb. 9.

Smythe, Walter.
1883 Feb. 9.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to Messrs. A. & H. Blackmore, 1885 June 11.

Smythe, Walter.
1885 June 11.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to Messrs. A. & H. Blackmore, 1885 June 19.

Smythe, Walter.
1885 June 19.
GSC 111755