Gilbert and Sullivan Collection

Letterpress transfer : to Cortes Perera, 1885 June 15.

Smythe, Walter.
1885 June 15.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to Cortes Perera, 1885 May 26.

Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900.
1885 May 26.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to Cortes Perera, 1885 May 9.

Smythe, Walter.
1885 May 9.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to D'Oyly Carte, 1890 Mar. 19.

Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900.
1890 Mar. 19.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to D'Oyly? Carte, 1883 Sept. 20.

Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900.
1883 Sept. 20.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to D. Sanderson Jr., 1884 Aug. 1.

Smythe, Walter.
1884 Aug. 1.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to David D. Buchan of the Edinburgh Choral Union, 1888 July 31.

Smythe, Walter.
1888 July 31.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to David D. Buchan, of the Edinburgh Chora Union, 1888 July 25.

Smythe, Walter.
1888 July 25.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to David D. Buchan, of the Edinburgh Choral Union, 1888 Aug. 7.

Smythe, Walter.
1888 Aug. 7.
GSC 111755

Letterpress transfer : to David D. Buchan, of the Edinburgh Choral Union, 1888 Aug. 9.

Smythe, Walter.
1888 Aug. 9.
GSC 111755