Gilbert and Sullivan Collection

Carte de visite photograph of William Sterndale Bennett.

GSC 101575

Carte de visite photograph of Yeoman of the Guard.

GSC 101463

Carte de visite photograph of Yeoman of the Guard.

GSC 101464

Carte de visite photograph of Yeoman of the Guard.

GSC 101465

Carte de visite photograph of Zelia Trebelli-Bettini.

GSC 101698

Catalogue of the King's music library / by William Barclay Squire ... Printed by order of the trustees.

London : Sold at the British museum and by B. Quaritch, 1927-29.
GSC 100983

Catalogue of valuable printed books, music autograph letters, and historical documents ... which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby & Co. ... at their large galleries ... Monday, 13th June, 1966 ...

London : The Company, 1966.

Charity : an entirely original play in four acts / by W.S. Gilbert.

Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911.
[London? : s.n., 1874?]
GSC 103797

Chieftain / Sullivan & Burnand.

Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900.
Chieftain. Libretto
GSC 111698

Christmas bells at sea : autograph manuscript, 1874 Oct. 21.

Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900.
Christmas bells at sea
1874 Oct. 21.
GSC 111713