Libretto by A. Somma, based on E. Scribe's Gustave III. Cf. Loewenberg. Annals of opera.
"Rappresentato per la prima volta al Teatro Apollo in Roma il 17 febbrajo 1859."
First complete edition of the vocal score; engraved.
Collation: frontispiece by Focosi of the last scene, lithographed by Corbetta; t.p.: p. [1]; "Indice": p. [3]; "Personaggi" and "Attori": p. [4]; music: p. 5-323.
Each of 29 numbers has its own caption title, price, separate (alternative) pagination, pl. no., and imprint.
Resembles Hopkinson 59 A (a), except that the t.p. has "musica di" rather than "musica da", "rappresentato" rather than "rappresentata", "Febbrajo" rather than "Febbbraio", and the line beginning "(Proprietà dell'Editore ... )" is on 1 line rather than 2, and has a period following the closing parenthesis.
Somma, Antonio, 1809-1864, librettist.
Truzzi, Alessandro, arranger.
Truzzi, L. (Luigi), 1799-1864, arranger.
Scribe, Eugène, 1791-1861. Gustave III.