First version of the opera.
Arranged for piano solo.
Includes superlinear words in Italian.
"Printed in Italy."
"Erste Aufführung: Turin, Regio-Theater, 1 Februar 1896."
Half t.p.: p. [3]; photograph of the composer with his facsimile signature: p. [5]; t.p.: p. [7]; publisher's device and statements of rights: p. [8]; "Personen": p. [9]; "Inhalt": p. [11].
Plate number in each case is preceded and followed by v, u, e, g, k, o, a, z, or q.
First ed.
Signed: Giacomo Puccini, Budapest 26.II.[1]912--p. [5].
Giacosa, Giuseppe, 1847-1906, librettist.
Illica, Luigi, 1857-1919, librettist.
Hartmann, Ludwig, translator.
Carignani, Carlo, arranger.
Murger, Henri, 1822-1861. Vie de Boheme.