Le petit coffret, ou, Les archives d'un garçon / paroles de Gustave Sauvey ; musique de Victor Parizot.

Record ID: 
Accession number: 
PMC 2311
Parizot, Victor, composer.
Biographical Data: 
French composer.
Le petit coffret, ou, Les archives d'un garçon / paroles de Gustave Sauvey ; musique de Victor Parizot.
Uniform title: 
Petit coffret
Credit Line: 
Purchased on the Mary Flagler Cary Fund, 2017.

For voice and piano.
Title page: Lithograph of man reading a letter, signed "Horace Castelli."
"À son ami Anatole Lionnet"--Caption.
"Chanté par Lincelle"--Title page.
Vocal part for additional verses follows score.

Associated names: 

Sauvey, Gustave, author.
Castelli, Horace, illustrator.