Le coup de l'étrier : duo / musique de Antonin Jouberti ; paroles de A. Provandier.

Record ID: 
Accession number: 
PMC 2267
Jouberti, Antonin.
Biographical Data: 
French composer.
Le coup de l'étrier : duo / musique de Antonin Jouberti ; paroles de A. Provandier.
Uniform title: 
Coup de l'étrier
Credit Line: 
Purchased on the Mary Flagler Cary Fund, 2017.

For 2 voices and piano.
Lithograph depicting drinker on horseback, speaking to a serving woman in a village setting with other figures, signed "J. Barthère" on title page.
"Prix: 6.f"--Title page.
"Répertoire des Sidolas"--Title page.
Includes vocal part, with music for verse 1 and words for verses 2-3 printed as text.

Associated names: 

Provandier, Alphonse.
Barthère, J., illustrator.