The pirates of Penzance, or, A slave to duty : an entirely original melodramatic opera in two acts : autograph manuscript with corrections.

Record ID: 
Accession number: 
GSC 111207
Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911, author.
Biographical Data: 
English dramatist, author, librettist, stage director, and illustrator.
The pirates of Penzance, or, A slave to duty : an entirely original melodramatic opera in two acts : autograph manuscript with corrections.
Uniform title: 
Pirates of Penzance. Act 1
Credit Line: 
Purchase Sullivan Archive

No place of writing is given; manuscript unsigned and undated.
Manuscript of Act I of W.S. Gilbert's libretto for The pirates of Penzance, with corrections in the hand of the author throughout and some passages extensively revised.
Manuscript consists of title page and 28 numbered leaves; the title reading: The pirates of Penzance / or / A slave to duty. / an entirely original melodramatic opera in two acts. / Written by W.S. Gilbert. Composed by Arthur Sullivan.
Acquired as part of the Arthur Sullivan Papers in the Gilbert and Sullivan Collection.


Sullivan Archive.

Associated names: 

Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900, former owner.
Libretto for (work): Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900. Pirates of Penzance.