Includes lists of the vice presidents and stewards of the fund.
Presumably advertising the sixteenth public anniversary festival of the fund, Wednesday, the 28th of March, 1832, as above.
"The following eminent vocalists have tendered the aid of their valuable services, viz. Mr. Braham, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Bellamy, Mr. T. Welsh, Mr. I. Reeve, Mr. Mathews, (who, among others, will introduce two new comic songs from his forthcoming "At home.") Mr. G. Stansbury, Mr. Duruset, Mr. Morley, also Miss Shirreff, and Miss E. Romer, (who will sing from the Ladies' Gallery.) Master Hughes, (the infant prodigy) will perform on the pedal harp. and Sir George Smart, has kindly consented to conduct the musical department ."
Smart, George, 1776-1867, conductor.
Reynolds, William, active 1823-1843, printer.