The wasp and the bee : a fable, adapted to a Spanish air. In a cottage in Fife : humorous song, adapted to an air by Auber.

Record ID: 
Accession number: 
PMC 1189.6
The wasp and the bee : a fable, adapted to a Spanish air. In a cottage in Fife : humorous song, adapted to an air by Auber.
[London : G.H. Davidson, 185-?]
Credit Line: 
Purchased on the Mary Flagler Cary Fund in 1998.

For voice and piano.
Caption titles.
Pages numbered: [77]-79, 43.
At foot of 1st page: 10.

Associated names: 

Auber, D. F. E. (Daniel François Esprit), 1782-1871.
Davidson, G. H. (George Henry), 1800?-1875, publisher.