Record ID:
Accession number:
PMC 1173
Hayes, Phil. (Philip), 1738-1797.
Biographical Data:
English composer.
The ghost of Edwin : sung by Master Mutlow / written by Colin Roope Esqr. and set to music by Doctor Hayes.
Uniform title:
Pale was the moon
London : Printed for Messrs. Firth and Jung at Oxford. To be had at the music shops in town and country, [approximately 1790]
Credit Line:
Purchased on the Mary Flagler Cary Fund in 1998.
Song for voice, flute, 2 horns, strings and continuo (figured bass), in score, incorporating a partial reduction for keyboard; with a version for the flute or guitar.
By Philip Hayes. RISM attributes this song to William Hayes.
Caption title.
First line: Pale was the moon on Severns wave when Laura from her cottage stray'd.
Entered at Stationer's Hall, London.
Associated names:
Roope, Colin, active 18th century.
Mutlow, Master, active 18th century, singer.
Firth, Richard, active approximately 1785-approximately 1805, publisher.
Jung, Philippe, publisher.
Music Collection: