Principal performers in Rose of the Alhambra: Miss Shirref and Mr. Wilson; includes a list of the musical numbers and the scenery changes, as well as a full cast list.
Also on the bill: "In obedience to the many enquiries at the box-office for a repetition of the extraordinary performances of the juvenile professors of the violin & violoncello, Masters Viotti & Lindley Collins, these English artists will play several admired pieces, accompanied by their father, who has justly acquired the title of the English Paganini. A trial of skill, John Bull, versus Ole Bull."
Performers in The pet of the petticoats: Mr. Hemming, Mr. J. Bland, Mr. Bannister, Mrs. Fitzwilliam, Mr. Oxberry, Mr. W. Bennett, Mr. Sanders and others.
At foot of sheet are descriptions of upcoming performances, including The married bachelor and House room!, or, The dishonored bill.
Fairbrother, S. G. (Samuel Glover), active 1823-1855, printer.