This present Tuesday, July 13, 1824, will be acted the comedy of John Bull ... Master Birch (a boy only twelve years old) will perform on the flute Drouet's celebrated variations to "God save the King." To conclude with, for the 3d time at this theatre (by permission of S.J. Arnold, Esq.) the highly popular romance, of peculiar and terrific interest, called Presumption ; or, The fate of Frankenstein. The musick composed by Mr. Watson.

Record ID: 
Accession number: 
PMC 1119.2
This present Tuesday, July 13, 1824, will be acted the comedy of John Bull ... Master Birch (a boy only twelve years old) will perform on the flute Drouet's celebrated variations to "God save the King." To conclude with, for the 3d time at this theatre (by permission of S.J. Arnold, Esq.) the highly popular romance, of peculiar and terrific interest, called Presumption ; or, The fate of Frankenstein. The musick composed by Mr. Watson.
[London] : W. Reynolds, 9, Denmark-court, Strand, 1824.
Credit Line: 
Purchased on the Cary Fund in 1998.

Partial cast of John Bull: Peregrine, Mr. Cooper; Hon. Mr. Shuffleton, Mr. Jones; Sir Simon Rochdale, Mr. Blanchard; Frank Rochdale, Mr. Baker; Job Thornberry, Mr. Fawcett; Dennis Brulgruddery, Mr. Connor; Dan, Mr. Taylor; Earl Fitzbalaam, Mr, Mr. Claremont; Mr. Pennyman, Mr. Louis ... with the original epilogue of the birth, christening, parentage, and othe family misfortunes of Dennis Brulgruddery.
Additional musical performances: In the course of the evening Master Smith will sing "Sweet home" and "We're a' noddin.' Mr. Phillips will accompany himself on the piano-forte in a new Bacchanalian song. The popular glee of "Mynheer Van Dunk,' by Messrs. Pyne, Taylor, and Phillips.
Partial cast of Presumption: Frankenstein, Mr. Bennet; De Lacey, Mr. Chapman; Felix De Lacey, Mr. Duruset; Fritz, Mr. Keeley; Clerval, Mr. Horrebow; William, Master Boden; Hammerpan, Mr. Evans; Tanskin, Mr. Ley; Gipsey, Mr. Tinney; (-------) Mr. T.P. Cooke.
Partial description of the production of Presumption: "Among the many striking effects of this piece, the following will be displayed: Mysterious and terrific appearance of the demon from the laboratory of Frankenstein. Destruction of a cottage by fire. And the fall of an avalanche."
At foot of sheet: are descriptions of upcoming performances of Charles the Second, Comedy of errors, The Irish widow, The school for scandal, The padlock, The school of reform, The hunter of the Alps and Much ado about nothing.

Associated names: 

Reynolds, William, active 1823-1843, printer.