The Bonny Broom [begins: "How blith was I each Morn to see"] -- Blyth Jockey [begins: "Blith Jockey, young and gay"] -- The Highland Lassie [begins: "The Lawland Maids go Spruce and fine"] -- Damon and Phillis. A Dialogue [begins: "Oh Phyllis, shame on you to serve a Swain so"] -- The Lass with the Golden Locks [begins: "No more of my Harriot"] -- Damon and Sylvia. A Dialogue [begins: "Dear Sylvia, no longer my Passion despise"] -- Haughty Strephon [begins: "Ye Gods that round fair Celia wait"].
For voices and instrumental ensemble with continuo.
With versions for the flute following songs.
Includes publisher's advertisement at foot of title page.
With a Royal privilege granted to the composer on 29 January 1740-1 for 11 years on page [1].
Part of a series of 14 volumes (1749-1764).
Transcribed title page: VOCAL MELODY / BOOK III. / A Favourite Collection of / SONGS and DIALOGUES / Sung at Marybon-Gardens / by Master Arne and Miss Falkner. / and at Vaux-Hall-Gardens / by Miss Stevenson and Mr. Lowe. / COMPOS'D BY / Mr. ARNE. / London. Printed for I. Walsh, in Catharine Street, in the Strand. / Of whom may be had / ....
Faulkner, Miss (Mary Anne), performer.
Stevenson, Miss, performer.
Lowe, Thomas, -1783, performer.
Walsh, John, 1709-1766, printer.