The pirates of Penzance, or, The slave of duty : an entirely original comic opera in two acts / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan.

Record ID: 
Accession number: 
GSC 102035
Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900.
The pirates of Penzance, or, The slave of duty : an entirely original comic opera in two acts / written by W.S. Gilbert ; composed by Arthur Sullivan.
Uniform title: 
Pirates of Penzance. Vocal score
New York : Hitchcock Pub. Co., c1880.

Cover imprint.
"Copyright, 1880, by J.M. Stoddart & Co."--p. [1] of cover, t.p., and p. [3].
"Authorized copyright ed."--p. [1] of cover.
Covers vary in color (green, red, blue).

Associated names: 

Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911, librettist.