A funeral anthem -- Columbia's guardian sleeps in dust! -- Mount Vernon, a solo -- A dirge -- A hymn -- Anniversary dirge -- Masonic dirge -- A funeral hymn -- An ode for the 22d of February.
Cover title: Funereal music, for 22d February.
Preface dated: Massachusetts, Jan. 27, 1800.
"[Price, 37 1/2 Cents single - 30 Cents by the Dozen.]"
Last page of cover is blank.
Principally for 3-4 voices.
Includes A dirge, by Mrs. Rowson of Medford; A hymn, by the Rev. J.S.J. Gardiner; Anniversary dirge, and Masonic dirge, by the Rev. T.M. Harris.
James Fuld.
Rowson, Mrs., 1762-1824.
Gardiner, John Sylvester John, 1765-1830.
Harris, Thaddeus Mason, 1768-1842.
Thomas, Isaiah, 1749-1831, printer.
Andrews, Ebenezer Turrell, 1766-1851, printer.
Fuld, James J., 1916-2008, former owner.