Contains over 30 contemporary corrections and alterations to the musical text, entered in dark brown ink; the inked paraph on the final p. may be in Lully's hand; there is also a stamped monogram on the final p. of the Prologue. Signature of an early owner in t.p. margin.
Score with figured bass; comprises a prologue and 5 acts.
Libretto by Philippe Quinault based on Tasso's Gerusalemme liberata; first performed at the Paris Opéra on 15 February 1686. Cf. New Grove opera.
1st ed.
Black notation; set in movable type.
Title vignette, head- and tail-pieces, and illustrated initial.
Error in pagination: lx misnumbered lxii.
Last p. blank.
Quinault, Philippe, 1635-1688, librettist.
Tasso, Torquato, 1544-1595. Gerusalemme liberata.
Ballard, Christophe, 1641-1715, printer.