A prince so young -- And is my cavalier return'd -- Ah heav'n! what is't I hear -- Arms, arms he delights in arms -- As on Septimius panting breast -- At looser hours, in the shade -- Bring shepherds, bring the kids -- Clarona lay aside your lute -- Come fill the glass, fill it high -- Couch'd by the pleasant Heliconian -- Cloe found Amintas lying all -- Employ'd all the day still in publick -- Go perjur'd man -- Go, go perjur'd maid -- Happy the man who languishing -- It is not that I love you less -- If I my Celia cou'd perswade -- If mighty wealth that gives -- Lately on yonder swelling bush -- Lysander I persue in vain -- Morph'us the humble God -- Musick's the cordial -- Make bright your Warrior's -- Of all the torments -- Oh! when ye pow'rs must -- O turn not those fine eyes away -- Oh! Nigrocella don't despise -- Orithea's bright eyes -- Oh Venus? Daughter -- Philander do no, do not -- Prithee, die and set me free -- Poor Celadon, he sighs -- Rise mighty monarch, and ascend -- Sabina has a thousand charms -- Shepherds deck your crooks -- Sing, sing ye Muses -- The sullen years are past -- Tell me no more you Love -- To me you made a thousand vows -- The rites are perform'd -- Welcome, welcome ev'ry guest -- Why does my Laura shun me? -- When artists hit on lucky -- Why is Tarpander pensive grown? -- What is't to us who guides -- Whilst on your neck no rival boy -- When I drink my heart is possest -- Why Flavia, why so wanton still? -- Why weeps Asteria -- Whence Galatea, why so gay?
A collection of vocal music, for various forces, printed in full score.
Advertisement: "Books lately printed and re-printed for Henry Playford ..."--following p. viii.
Title printed in black and red within double line border.
Engraved frontispiece port. of Blow.
The music is printed from moveable type.
Pearson, William, active 1699-1735, printer.
Playford, Henry, 1657- printer.