Drei Clavier-Sonaten für die Jugend : No. 1, Kinder-Sonate in G dur ... / von Rob. Schumann ; Op. 118.

Record ID: 
Accession number: 
PMC 1787
Schumann, Robert, 1810-1856.
Drei Clavier-Sonaten für die Jugend : No. 1, Kinder-Sonate in G dur ... / von Rob. Schumann ; Op. 118.
Uniform title: 
Clavier-Sonaten für die Jugend. No. 1
Hamburg ; Leipzig ; New-York : Schuberth & Co., [1853]

First edition (variant?).
"Julien zur Erinnerung."
Library's variant is similar to K. Hofmann, Die Erstdrucke der Werke von Robert Schumann, p. 256-257, and M. McCorkle, Schumann Werkverzeichnis, 502-503, but lacks the "Inhalt der Clavier-Sonaten für die Jugend" leaf. Also, the copyright note at the bottom of the first page of music begins "Entered according to act of congress," not "Entered according to the act of congress."
Also, on the title page, the lithographer is entered as "Fr. Krätzschmer. [space] in Leipzig." In Hofmann, it appears as "Friedr. Krätzschmer Leipzig."


H. Zimmermann.

Associated names: 

Zimmermann, H., former owner.
Krätzschmer, Friedrich, lithographer.
Schuberth, Julius, 1804-1875, publisher.