La buona figliuola : opera comica / composta da Sigr. Nicolo Piccini ; No. 1 [the 1 added by hand].

Record ID: 
Accession number: 
PMC 1733
Piccinni, Niccolò, 1728-1800.
La buona figliuola : opera comica / composta da Sigr. Nicolo Piccini ; No. 1 [the 1 added by hand].
Uniform title: 
Buona figliuola maritata
Londod [i.e. London] : Printed and sold by R. Bremner, [1767]

Collation: Title, verso blank; "A Catalogue ...", [1]; music, 2-18; title page repeated (with London, not Londod), and "N. 2," the 2 added by hand, verso blank; music, 19-35, blank; the second title page repeated, with "No. 3," the 3 added by hand; 2 blanks; music, 36-54; a new title page (not numbered) with a note beginning "Price without the Parts," verso blank; music, 55-84.
First edition, earliest issue.
Does not include the overture and recitatives, which were added in later editions.
"Representata al Teatro Reale, nel' Hay Market."
The text is by Carlo Goldoni. Cf The New Grove Opera.

Associated names: 

Goldoni, Carlo, 1707-1793.
Bremner, Robert, d. 1789, bookseller.
Bremner, Robert, d. 1789, printer.